"There are some Hoops in the ninja Kit! I was always good at Ninja Basketball...at least that's what Kira told me."
Get the Target Practice hoop and find a good spot for it. Use the arrow in the bottom right-hand corner and select the hoop icon. (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
Dunk me through the Target Practice hoop a few times! That's right, you're throwing the ninja through the hoop, not a ball! If you are struggling, you can simply hold the ninja above the hoop and drop him in. You'll need to do this repeatedly for quite a few times (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
Now repair the item, or wait until Sensei repairs it! Tap on the arrow and again on the hoop to see your options for repairing it. You should be able to spend a gem, watch a video to fix it for free, or wait a short amount of time for your Sensei to repair it (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
This was automatically completed for us when we finished the other Hoop-La missions - just make sure you have got rid of the crates and any other items you have lying around the level (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
"I'm getting better! We're really training well! Let's get a photo to remember this moment!"
Lift me high into the air by one hand (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
OK, good practice. Now tie a balloon to my foot! (Reward: 10 XP, 5 Coins)
Now, lift me into the air by the hand and snap a photo. Super-ninja! You can take the photo while still holding your ninja up in the air - you don't need to let him go (Reward: 20 XP, 5 Coins)
"the ninja has proven his skill. It is time for a more advanced trampoline."
You will have this automatically if you have ranked up sufficiently on the trampoline. Keep training on it until the progress bar fills up (Reward: 15 XP, 5 Coins)
I know what ... You is helper! Thanks for it.