"the ninja is now ready to learn how to defend himself. Let us start with flying watermelons!"
Get the Watermelon from the ninja Kit. Tap the ball icon to find it. Use the arrow in the bottom right to access the Ninja Kit (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
Complete one round of training with the Watermelon. Follow the on screen instructions to throw the watermelon at the ninja. Wait until he has his hands ready to deflect it otherwise your throws will not count (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
Now repair the item, or wait until Sensei repairs it. It will take about 20 minutes to repair, or you can see if there are any free ways to repair it. (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
Complete another session with the Watermelons! (Reward: 10XP, 5 Coins)
"I found a new potion - we should definitely check it out!"
Get a Dizzy Potion from the ninja Kit. Tap on the arrow in the bottom right corner to open the ninja kit, then tap on the Potions section and pick the Dizzy Potion. Hopefully you have enough Coins to purchase the potion, otherwise you will need to perform some more tasks to get enough (Reward: 5XP, 5 Coins)
Poke me a few times while I'm dizzy! I'll be okay in a little while. Drink the potion by tapping it in the potion section of the ninja kit, then tap your ninja repeatedly until the completion bar for this mission fills up. Note that you will need to do this in quick succession otherwise they will not count, and make sure your ninja is still dizzy when doing it - his eyelids will be at different heights to indicate that he's dizzy (Reward: 15 XP, 5 Coins)
I need something to hold on to! Give me a balloon. You should know how to do this one by now! Pick the balloon from your ninja kit and attach it to the ninja by dragging from the bottom of the balloon to his hand (Reward: 25 XP, 10 Coins)
"Good work - the ninja is improving! Now, it is time for a break. Always make sure he gets enough sleep."
Find the sleeping mat and tap on it. Ensure the ninja sleeps at least once a day for a reward! This refers to the daily reward that you get for consistently sending your ninja to sleep and basically playing clumsy Ninja regularly. By making you send him to sleep by tapping on his sleeping mat, the developers make sure you do more than just log in and actually engage with the game (Reward: 80 XP, 25 Coins)
"I wonder if Sensei knew of Kira? Let's ask him after we finish these tasks!"
Try throwing me around a few times! Let's see how far I can go! Tap and hold on your ninja and then drag to throw him to the left or right to complete this task (Reward: 5 XP, 5 Coins)
I want to strengthen my grip. Throw me towards the stall rooftop until I catch on with both hands. Use the throw techniques from the last task on the far right of the arena to throw your ninja up there until he grabs on. You will have to try a good few times before he successfully grabs on, but don't give up - it may look like no progress is being made but he will hang on eventually (Reward: 20 XP, 5 Coins)
Lift me as high as you can by both hands. I'll hang on! This one is pretty self explanatory but you may find it hard as you have to tap and hold two fingers on the screen on each of the ninja's hands to be able to lift him up as required. Keep lifting until you get confirmation that the mission is complete(Reward: 35 XP, 10 Coins)
Drag me all over the place by an arm. I can take it! Do as your ninja says and drag him around the arena. You need to make sure your finger doesn't go off the screen when you are dragging him, as that's the instinctive way to do it. Just keep your finger at the edge of the screen and you will be able to drag him along for long enough to complete the task. Send him to one side of the arena or another if necessary to get enough space to work with (Reward: 55 XP, 15 Coins)
"I knew Kira well. She was my student until she outgrew me. Whoever took her must be...very powerful"
We have to push harder - complete a session on the Old Rice Sack punch bag! Select the punch bag from the ninja Kit and get training (Reward: 75 XP, 10 Coins)
High five the ninja after finishing a training session! Good job! Tap the ninja's hand for this easy XP boost (Reward: 210 XP, 25 Coins)
where is his sleeping mat???