Mikasa Ackerman is a character in the manga and anime series Attack on Titan. She is the adoptive sister of Eren Yeager after her parents were killed by robbers at a very early age, and kidnapped her. When Eren discovered where she was being kept, he went to rescue her. Eren managed to kill two of the robbers holding the girl hostage, but a third manages to put a choke hold on him which he was unable to escape from, leaving Mikasa to kill the robber and save Eren.
As Mikasa was an orphan she was adopted by Kalura and Grisha, the parents of Eren and formed a strong friendship with her new brother that eventually develops into love. Mikasa joins the military, where she graduates at the top of her class in the 104th Trainees Squad. Mikasa then enlists with the Survey Corps instead of joining the Military Police so she can be near to Eren. Mikasa is an expert at martial arts and highly skilled with a sword, and she uses these abilities on multiple occasions to get Eren out of trouble. Her willingness to protect Eren means she will not hesitate to kill anyone who threatens him.
Mikasa is a beautiful, well-toned woman of above average height who is of partial Asian heritage. She has pale skin, gray eyes, and shaggy black hair that was long until she cut it to chin-length at Erens suggestion when she joined the military in the 104th Trainee Squad. Her main outfit throughout the Attack on Titan series is the Survey Corps uniform, she does however always wear a dark red scarf around her neck, which was given to her by Eren the day he managed to save her from the robbers that killed her family and tried to sell her into slavery.
- Human
- Female
- 19 (Current, 854)
- February 10th
- 170 cm
- 54 kg
Family Members
- Mrs. Ackerman (Biological Mother, deceased)
- Mr. Ackerman (Biological Father, deceased)
- Grisha Yeager (Adoptive Father, deceased)
- Carla Yeager (Adoptive Mother, deceased)
- Eren Yeager (Adoptive Brother)
- Levi Ackerman (Relative)
- Survey Corps
Powers and Abilities
- Skilled Martial Artist
- Skilled Swordsmanship
- Paths
- 3-Dimensional Maneuver Gear
- Anti-Personnel Maneuver Gear
- Anti-Titan Swords
- Thunder Spears
- Wall Rose
- Alive
Take a look at our Top 10 Best Attack On Titan Characters guide to see who we consider to be the most colorful and interesting characters in the series.