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Practice Speech using a neighbor's mirror

Question asked by syida0204 on
Last Modified:

Practice Speech using a neighbor's mirror

Is anyone here has bought a mirror to practice speech? If yes, please give me your id because I don't have any neighbor with that mirror. Or else, do you have any idea how to complete this task? Thank you.

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The Sims FreePlay Guide

Guest answered:

I do and I also need that. I think you have to friend me on Facebook to connect our neighborhoods.

Showing latest replies - show all (696)
Guest said: 8th Feb 2019 | REPORT
i need a neighbor with one too! my fb is faith metcalf xx
Guest said: 1st Mar 2019 | REPORT
What yr facebook account i do have a mirror in my town
Guest said: 21st May 2019 | REPORT
Anyone who needs to complete it add me on Facebook - Adrian acuna torres. Must have a mirror as well
Guest said: 6th Jun 2019 | REPORT
Can somebody add me on Game Center I need neighbors please and thank you 😁
Guest answered:

I don't Know how to practice my speech in a Neighbors town and none of them have Mirror and I don't have a Facebook soooo "YIKES"

Showing latest replies - show all (265)
Guest said: 1st Mar 2018 | REPORT
I have a mirror but I can’t find anyone else with one. Add me on Facebook Niquey Deleon. If you can’t add me message me please
Guest said: 2nd Mar 2018 | REPORT
Amit.nagill.1 add me on fb. I need mirror
Guest said: 14th Aug 2018 | REPORT
I have a mirror but I also need one
Guest said: 27th Nov 2018 | REPORT
Hi..I have a mirror. I need a neighbor with Mirror.
Guest answered:

I found a Mirror but the option for practice speach does not come up any ideas I have tried several different Sims

Showing latest replies - show all (139)
Guest said: 31st Mar 2018 | REPORT
Add me Try Mohammad Ikhsan
Guest said: 17th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Pls add me too Sopia Harpidalinda
Guest said: 22nd Feb 2019 | REPORT
Add me on smileeveryday
Guest said: 31st Dec 2019 | REPORT
I can’t do the mirror tasks either can someone help please
Guest answered:

You can add me I have most of things
in my town add me at Game Center " ze&ko"

Showing latest replies - show all (64)
Guest said: 22nd Aug 2017 | REPORT
Is there any way to do this without having to add strangers to Facebook? I found a mirror but it won't let me click on it. Can I get a real answer on how to do this.
Guest said: 1st Sep 2017 | REPORT
Can I add someone's with a mirror
Guest said: 27th Oct 2017 | REPORT
i’ve bought a mirror! but can’t use it to complete my task
Guest said: 7th Dec 2017 | REPORT
Darla I’ve added u on fb hope you don’t mine
Guest answered:

I have a Mirror, it's in the original house that they give you. My gamecenter id is: ale_fonck

Showing latest replies - show all (37)
Guest said: 22nd Jan 2017 | REPORT
I need one! Add mee on google kat t
Guest said: 21st Aug 2017 | REPORT
I also need a mirror and have one in my house if I can help anyone my game centre username is lucyannemason
Guest said: 4th Sep 2017 | REPORT
Ltkent add me on game center
Guest said: 21st Feb 2018 | REPORT
Hi i dont know how to add u on game center my id is kassey1008 thank u
Guest answered:

I don't know how to practice my speech on the Mirror it won't work and I don't know how to buy a mirror it's not there

Showing latest replies - show all (24)
Guest said: 13th Oct 2017 | REPORT
I do
Guest said: 19th Nov 2017 | REPORT
I have a mirror but I needs need to the quest as well so can someone with avatar a mirror request
Guest said: 31st Dec 2017 | REPORT
hi anyone have a mirror in need help completing this task someone add me on facebook claudia elizabeth argueta from virginia usa
Lia Oktavianti said: 8th Jan 2018 | REPORT
I have a mirror, and if you have too add my FB "puteriduren" thanks
Guest answered:

Hi Lisa can you help me too!? Can you be my neighbours n Add on Facebook please? Smile if you don't mind

Showing latest replies - show all (8)
Guest said: 18th May 2018 | REPORT
Someone add me to plz
Ashley Herrick said: 18th May 2018 | REPORT
Someone add me to plz
Guest said: 4th Jun 2018 | REPORT
Someone add me please Facebook Stephanie Haines
Guest said: 10th Sep 2018 | REPORT
When you go in another neighbourhood instead of going to people's sims they made you can also go in some of the buildings and in some of the buildings there could be mirrors that is how I managed to complete the task 😁
Guest answered:

Facebook: Jade Ann Cogar.
Picture is a drawing with dark eyes!!! Thanks!

Showing latest replies - show all (29)
Guest said: 19th Aug 2017 | REPORT
I think you can just add someone from your "GameCenter" on your phoneSmile That way you wouldn't have to have facebookSmile
Guest said: 21st Aug 2017 | REPORT
My username is lucyannemason I have a mirror
Guest said: 8th Feb 2018 | REPORT
Add me Naisha gonzalez
Guest said: 25th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Me to please I cat find anyone who has a morrow Ricki Smith
Guest answered:

I need a to practice speech and I also need Neighbors so please add me ili_97

Guest answered:

Georg14.21 I have the Mirror

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Guest said: 3rd Jul 2014 | REPORT
Do you have a Facebook name rather than id?
Guest said: 16th Jul 2015 | REPORT
How about x-box gamertag?
jacksharma19 said: 9th Sep 2016 | REPORT
Hey .... I'm on xbox .... I've mirror and I need one .... my gamertag is jacksharma19 .... add me
Guest answered:

Redding macker - you can add me on Facebook, I have mirrors

Showing latest replies - show all (18)
Guest said: 15th Jun 2017 | REPORT
I'll add you Michelle
MrsDreamCatcher said: 15th Jun 2017 | REPORT
I'm adding you Michelle so I can get the mirror too
Guest said: 20th Jul 2017 | REPORT
I requested you
Guest said: 30th Nov 2017 | REPORT
Can someone add me? I need to look in a mirror also 😂
Guest answered:

I have a Mirror in my home near the bridge! Add me on GC: Sarah Highlove

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Guest said: 24th Jul 2014 | REPORT
What is your user nickname on game center?
danaerrn said: 24th Jul 2014 | REPORT
Can you add me either on facebook dana zarlengo or on game center rescueninja75
Shannonasher said: 18th Sep 2015 | REPORT
Need mirror. Can u add me on Fb. Shannon Asher. I have a black and pink top
Guest said: 7th Oct 2016 | REPORT
Hi Sarah I tried to add you but didnt see you
Guest answered:

I need Mirror ASAP!!! Add me on Facebook Lamia Sadee, or Game Center 1OneMotion ... Please!!

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WuFanHun said: 29th Jul 2014 | REPORT
I'm Nashla N. Marcano on facebook add me there...oh wait i have to buy a mirror right?
Guest answered:

I need neighbours with mirrors too! My game center id is meiannatee

Showing latest replies - show all (5)
Guest said: 25th Mar 2015 | REPORT
Hi, have you figure it out yet? As I am having the same prob. My sister and I play, but I can't see her mirror.
Guest said: 29th Jun 2015 | REPORT
Guys just go to settings then cloud and click on upload data. It will be updated hope this helps. Also add me on fb if you have a mirror: İrem Aybala Coşkun
Guest said: 26th Jun 2016 | REPORT
I finally figured it out in my town! You need to have finished building the Town Hall in your own town to be able to see the Politician's mirror in your neighbor's town. Cheers!
Guest said: 3rd Aug 2016 | REPORT
No. It was just the cloud thing. I don't have a town hall and couldn't see my nieces mirror. But after she uploaded to the cloud it appeared.
Guest answered:

I need Mirrors someone add me disneyfreak1228 on Game Center

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Guest said: 11th Apr 2016 | REPORT
Guest said: 17th May 2016 | REPORT
>*Kerri*< Is my Game Center ID. I have one of everything that is for sale when you first build the career/hobby business (I think it's called Promotions R Us or something) as well as the magic podium. All items are in the two houses that each have two pets. One of the houses has dog and dragon, one of them has two cats.
Guest answered:

I have a Mirror! Add me TH1RZA

I also have a Guitar, dog etc so pls add meere

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Guest said: 13th Aug 2014 | REPORT
Facebook or Game Center ?
Guest answered:

Does any one have a Mirror for this Quest? Please add me on Facebook. Name is Betty Hadley Busari I need to use your mirror.

Guest answered:

I have a Mirror (:

Add me on Game Center: blanca.cristina

It's in the house with green roofing in the room that has a bunch of Hobby stuff(:

But I also need someone who HAS a Mirror..

Feel free to add me regardless(:

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Guest said: 6th Oct 2014 | REPORT
Can u add me? The 🐬🐬 one I sent u a request
Guest said: 13th Jun 2016 | REPORT
I send you a request. Please add me. 💕Maman💕
Guest said: 29th Aug 2016 | REPORT
I need mirror, can you add me on facebook Dzana Bukvic
Guest said: 16th Oct 2016 | REPORT
Pls do add my facebook Grinda Daer
blanca.cristina answered:

I have a Mirror(:

Feel free to add me on Game Center : blanca_cristina

It's in the house with green roofing in the room with all the Hobby stuff(:

Please add me especially if you have a Mirror!(:

Showing latest replies - show all (10)
Guest said: 27th Nov 2015 | REPORT
I have a mirror, add me on facebook: Ainun Shovy. The pict is a brown cat
Guest said: 5th Jun 2016 | REPORT
I bought a mirror from my promotions r us and had a neighbor sim click on it and practice speech came up.
Slam2855 said: 6th Jul 2016 | REPORT
I need to complete this quest as well, I will buy a mirror for someone to use. I can't get game center, but I have Google Play. Can someone add me? Slam2855. Thanks
Guest said: 30th May 2017 | REPORT
Idk how to add anyone can yall add me it's becca8604 on google play and Rebecca Jackson on fb it's a picture of me and my husband with a pink and blue shadow ribbon
Guest answered:

I also have a Mirror at one of my Houses. Add me on the Game Center: Hope7437

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Guest said: 17th Dec 2014 | REPORT
I will add you! I need a mirror!
m.babeez answered:

I have mirrors. Add me Smile
M.babeez screen name on Game Center.

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Guest said: 9th Sep 2015 | REPORT
Guest answered:

Whoever has a Mirror in their town add me on gc: NeneMonroeeee

Guest answered:

Some one add me that has a Mirror I'm on Game Center tho not fb my id is jamie4200

Guest answered:

The best way to play this game is by being friends with each other, so that it will be easy in completing the tasks..

Guest answered:

Add me s_roy12 need a Mirror to practice speech

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Guest said: 21st Oct 2014 | REPORT
How do u practice a speech in a neighbours mirror if none of my neighbours have mirror? Also find the mysterious island on a globe?
Guest said: 15th Jan 2017 | REPORT
You have to buy the globe in the items for the house part
Guest answered:

I have a Mirror in one of my Houses. I only use android so Facebook Only. I need someone with a mirror. None of my Neighbors have mirrors. Please add me. My Facebook account is Donald Basketts.

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Guest said: 2nd Nov 2014 | REPORT
Anyone have a mirror none of my neighbours have one I have one in my house if anyone needs help only if they have a mirror to so I can complete the task too
Guest said: 5th Nov 2014 | REPORT
add me in Game id is iSyida... =)
Guest said: 9th Nov 2014 | REPORT
I need help with finding a mirror xx
Guest answered:

Add me in Game id is iSyida..Thanks! =)

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SidneyW said: 7th Oct 2015 | REPORT
I need to visit someone with a mirror. I'm willysid on Game Center.
Guest answered:

I have a Mirror =] .. Add me on Facebook " Reem Alzard " ... If somebody has a mirror too, plz add me so I can get this task done too XP ..

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Guest said: 2nd Jan 2015 | REPORT
i have a mirror too,and i need someone with a mirror.can i add you on facebook?
Guest said: 15th Jan 2015 | REPORT
Add me on Facebook! JoanaBC I have a mirror and need one too
Guest said: 2nd Feb 2015 | REPORT
Sent you a fb request Reem. Ty!!
Guest said: 19th May 2015 | REPORT
Need mirror
Guest answered:

Add my Game Center id! Don't have much yet but I'm working on it lol

tylertonigaule answered:

Add me on Game Center if you have a Mirror- tylertonigaule x

Guest answered:

I need a Mirror. Please add me on GC: liz_42
Thanks a lot

Guest answered:

Add me, hazzascurls19 (-: I have a Mirror in one of my Houses

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Kcrosby02 said: 28th Jan 2015 | REPORT
Where do I get a mirror?
Guest said: 30th Jan 2015 | REPORT
I also need to practice a speech in the mirror and don't have a neighbor with a mirror
Guest answered:

Please add me on Game Center: hoganxo
I've been trying to find a Mirror for about 2 weeks now

Guest answered:

I have a Mirror in my washroom!! Add me on Game Center URgirlCC

Guest answered:

I have got alot of Social Objects in my house including a Mirror on Sims! You can add me on game centre: Cuscus58

Guest answered:

I have Mirror in my town and a lot of other stuffs for task, I also need someone with mirror, add me on Facebook Anita Knezovic

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Guest said: 8th Mar 2015 | REPORT
I have a mirror in Johnny Cash's house Smile ID: ChameleonGypsy
Guest said: 23rd May 2015 | REPORT
Hi, this is Alee. I need neighbors who have mirrors too. I went on Facebook, but there was so many Anita knezovic. I don't know which one is yours. If you don't mind to add me, here is my Facebook " Alee Palina Xyv " thanks
Guest answered:

I have Mirror and other stuffs for Hobby and Career, add me if you have mirror, on Facebook : Anita Knezovic

Guest answered:

I have a Mirror but need someone who has one too, only gamecenter though - gullviva90

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Guest said: 9th Mar 2015 | REPORT
Add me on gamecenter: ammuure
Guest said: 30th Mar 2015 | REPORT
I Have one and I need :( , i add you accept me please
Guest said: 30th Mar 2015 | REPORT
I need one! Add me madisonraedye
Guest answered:

I have everything from the store in one of my huge lot but tiny house. Add my GC: Kitywng

Itsghie27 answered:

I HAVE Mirror!!! You can add me!!! I also need a neighbor with mirror... You can get it from the Hobby store next to tha Pet store... Itsghie27

Itsghie27 answered:

Yes I have Mirror. I also need a neighbor with mirror. You can get it from the Promotions R Us store beside the Pet store. Add me. Itsghie27. 😊

Guest answered:

Add me if you have a Mirror so I can move forward.


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Guest said: 10th May 2015 | REPORT
I've just added you as I also need a mirror to move forward. My id is smurphy607blue. ThanksSmile
Guest answered:

I NEED SOMEONE WITH Mirror FROM PROMOTION STORE! I nie to practice speech. It would be nice if you also have other stuff like Camera, Soccer Ball and other. I have already a mirror, camera, soccer ball, Telescope and others! I use android so ONLY Facebook NAME PLEASE! Add me:

Guest answered:

You have to use a Mirror that you buy , that the Politician uses for practicing their speeches, in the store under hobbies, I believe, I currently don't have the hobbies yet. But I have played Sims before. Had to restart. But the mirror when you first start isn't that mirror they speak of, it's the politician mirror.

Guest answered:

I have a Mirror. But I need a Neighbors mirror. Add me if you have one Game Center: nayeelisancheez

Guest answered:

Add me on GC : I need more Neighbors /Tasha/Smile
I'll add anyone ☺️

Guest answered:

I have a Mirror in my town add me if you'd like BrittMS92

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Guest said: 16th Jun 2015 | REPORT
i have mirrow add me name in game center: Al-mansor
Guest answered:

I had a Mirror in my bedroom and my game center is shady jakes and my Facebook is jake.fisher and the pic is me in a red jacket and I also need o do the Quest so please have the mirror from promotion r us

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Guest said: 3rd Jul 2015 | REPORT
Hi jake, i have add your facebook.. my facebook name is stevany verrayanti.. please confirm my request.. i need the mirror to do the quest.. thanks
Guest said: 5th Jul 2015 | REPORT
Hi Jake, I'll add you..I need the mirror too and I already have one. I'm Ivette Flores. Thanks!
Guest answered:

I have Mirror in my town. Add me on Game Center: ranfakfakfak. I need mirror as well pls add me.

Guest answered:

I have a Mirror!!! My Facebook is Breanna Hess. (The profile pic is a selfie,I'm blonde) just to make it easier to find lol

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Guest said: 25th Jul 2015 | REPORT
I also have a mirror my Facebook name is Joyce Mosley and my picture is a Spiderman meme Smile
Guest said: 27th Jul 2015 | REPORT
I need someone with mirror.. add me on facebook.. anis milanese..
Guest said: 30th Aug 2015 | REPORT
Hi @Joyce Mosley!! I'll add you on Facebook cause I need to use mirror for the task. Plss accept me ASAP my fb name is Angela Ladines ..thanks. God bless! 😃😃😃
Guest answered:

I need a Mirror too! Add me on Game Center. Also, I have a Fashion studio, pool, and all other things. JESSFER1994

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Guest said: 21st Aug 2015 | REPORT
I need a mirror! Please add me wengbeloria on facebook. I just cant find those people who posted their fb and gc.
hahitaf answered:

Anyone willing to give me their Facebook so that I can add you? Because in need of mirrors soooo bad to complete the task. I don't have game center so the only way for me is facebook. Please please. Or you can add me on Facebook, it's Fatihah Abd Rahman. Picture of me with colourful mural background. Thanks in advance!

_gaz_gaz_ answered:

_gaz_gaz_ add me. I have a Mirror. I need a neighbour with a mirror too though

Chuck1eB answered:

I have a Mirror, it's in the two story house with the pool, the mirror is by the elevator. Game Center id is Chuck1eB

Guest answered:

I have a Mirror add me dariantjx3 it's in the bathroom at Taylor's house

Guest answered:

You will need to go to the Promotions R Us store in your Sim's town and purchase the Mirror. If you haven't built the store yet, you'll need to do that to access the Items they sell.

ArrowBro answered:

Guys, Anybody playing in android? I need a neighbor who has Mirror plz Smile

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nneka janelle said: 28th Oct 2015 | REPORT
Im playing on Android but i dont have a mirror how can i have a mirror add me on fb btw [email protected]
Guest answered:

I have mirrors in all of my house, at bedroom. And I need someone who have a Mirror too. So, please add me at Facebook, Ainun Shovy. My pict is a brown cat. Please please... Add me T.T

Guest answered:

I have mirrors in all of my house, at bedroom. And I need someone who have a Mirror too. So, please add me at Facebook, Ainun Shovy. My pict is a brown cat. Please please... Add me T.T

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Guest said: 29th Apr 2017 | REPORT
Guys just go to a neighbours park and click on the options on a speech box there
Guest answered:

You can add me on gamecenter too: Baneno888

Guest answered:

I need help how do I do a speech in a Mirror

Guest answered:

Add me on Facebook, please. My name is Ola Nowakowska and I need a Mirror too. Smile

Guest answered:

I have a Mirror. Add my Facebook : Akita Nrt

Guest answered:

Frandmarco .. Add

Guest answered:

Add me brohove Game Center I need peps

Guest answered:

I have a Mirror look me up in Game Center my username is ipadguy1360 look in the biggest house you find it has a green roof there a mirror in the bathroom

Guest answered:

Go look my up on fb jamesha hearst I got a Mirror

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Guest said: 1st Apr 2016 | REPORT
Hey i added you on fb, carrie jo smith i have a mirror too and need one lol
Madina said: 9th Jun 2016 | REPORT
Hi jamesha i'll try to add ou on fb please accept, me Madina Monica.. really need mirror Smile thanks
Guest answered:

If anyone is cool with me using their Mirror I'd be grateful Thanks

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Guest said: 19th Feb 2016 | REPORT
Add me on Facebook Ajinkya Salvi
Guest answered:

My neighbor has already a Mirror but when I click it, it doesnt work whats the problem with my game? What should I do?

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Guest said: 2nd Apr 2016 | REPORT
Well I don't know what happens on you're because when you press it it should say toward the bottom of your screen 'Practice speech'
Guest answered:

I have a Mirror and I need one too.
Can someone add me on Facebook?

Guest answered:

If anyone needs a Mirror, just add me on game center. My user name is avery8201. I have mirrors in every house.

Lena Laša Čiško answered:

Hello, is here anybody who could be my neighbour and has a Mirror? I need to practice a speech. Thank you.

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Guest said: 1st Apr 2016 | REPORT
Yes add me on Facebook. Stephanie Grimes Davis
Elaine4261 said: 8th Jun 2016 | REPORT
I added u.. Elaine J Fan
Krizhel answered:

Hello I need someone who has a Mirror please add me I also have a mirror in my town where my dog lives, I only have one dog and the mirror is located in the master bedroom beside my bed. Please add me if you have mirror as well gamecenter: Krizhel❤️ Thank you

Guest answered:

I need a neighbor with a Mirror and I don't have game center (I'm a Samsung user) add me on Facebook, maybe we can help each other out? 🌝

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Guest said: 1st May 2016 | REPORT
What is your name one fb
Elaine4261 said: 8th Jun 2016 | REPORT
Elaine J Fan.
Guest answered:

My nabor does not have a Mirror what should I do?

Shafii answered:

I also need help finding a neighbor with a Mirror. Please help, I've been stuck on this forever

Guest answered:

Desperately need a neighbor with a Mirror! My Game Center ID is jkdenson.

Jkdenson answered:

Desperately need a neighbor with a Mirror! My Game Center ID is jkdenson.

Guest answered:

Just buy a Mirror from the hobbies store and have one of your on sim come over and practice in the mirror😂

Guest answered:

Does anyone have a Mirror no one has a mirror in my town has one if so please write the name if you do

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Elaine4261 said: 8th Jun 2016 | REPORT
Facebook: Elaine J Fan
I need a mirror too
Guest answered:

I have a Mirror. Pls add me. GC name: Klaradel

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Guest said: 15th Jun 2016 | REPORT
I just added you Klaradel. From Pradagirl55
Guest answered:

I need Neighbors who have Mirror. Add me on Facebook Sandriana Cahaya. And I also have mirror too.

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Guest said: 18th Jun 2016 | REPORT
I messaged u on facebook. Please add me, i also need a mirror
Emaan Saqib answered:

You can buy the Mirror in Promotions r Us but if you don't have that feel free to add me on Game Center my username is Emaan Saqib. The mirror is on the fourth floor on the biggest house infront of the Car shop.

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Almaasrahmawati said: 21st Jun 2016 | REPORT
Do you have facebook account? I dont know how to add you in game center. My facebook is Almaas Rahmawati. And i do really need a mirror please!
Almaasrahmawati answered:

I have a problem too bcs no one have Mirror. Then please add my Facebook Almaas Rahmawati for anyone who has a mirror. Begging you!

Guest answered:

I have sent three different Sims to the Mirror in a Neighbors town and it still hasn't cleared. What am I doing wrong??

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Guest said: 7th Jul 2016 | REPORT
I have one! You can try mine, when I bought it, I actually said "politicians mirror" my gamecenter name is WhitneySophia3
Guest answered:

Anyone on Sims Freeplay , feel free to add me! My Game Center name is " WhitneySophia Smile " with the smiley! 😘✌🏻️

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Guest said: 7th Jul 2016 | REPORT
Not the rotating smiley face! Just a normal : ) one ! (Without the space between the : and the ) !!
Guest answered:

I worked it out finally . You need to get your neighbour to update their 'cloud' and their 'Mirror' will appear on your Sims game device

Guest answered:

I worked it out finally . You need to get your neighbour to update their 'cloud' and their 'Mirror' will appear on your Sims game device

Guest answered:

Add me I have mirrors my I.D Katt--e! They are in my big house but not the beach villa

nicolina84 answered:

I have mirrors, I have the same problem as you but I used a Spa Mirror and practised speech but that didn't work so I guess it has to be a normal mirror (the one you buy in the "Hobby store") Add me, my Game Center profile name is; nicolina84 and my Facebook name is Lina Niklasson Smile Use a NORMAL MIRROR Smile Good luck! Best wishes, Lina ☺️

Showing latest replies - show all (5)
Guest said: 26th Jul 2016 | REPORT
Added and please add me for neighbors etc
Guest said: 26th Jul 2016 | REPORT
Oops. Forgot my GC tag: beccaruth81
Guest said: 22nd Aug 2016 | REPORT
I added you too. please accept😁
Guest said: 26th Aug 2016 | REPORT
Add me if you have mirror Rua ramli rh
Guest answered:

Someone please help me if you have a Mirror, comment your game Centre so I can add you

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HeroOfGamers said: 2nd Aug 2016 | REPORT
Please Add Me. I Have The Same Problem With The Sims Freeplay Question: Practice Speech using a neighbor's mirror. People Who Have Facebook And A Mirror In Their House On Sims Freeplay. I Add You. Need The Name Of Ur Facebook Account And Then I Add You. Mine Is Raheel Adnan. Add Me Or I Add You. Please!
Guest said: 4th Aug 2016 | REPORT
Add me I hv mirror, do u hv mirror I need as well.
Guest said: 4th Aug 2016 | REPORT
Add me I hv mirror, do u hv mirror I need as well.
Facebook id is Phoenix flames from new Zealand, chik with glasses and white hoody. Ad me only if u hv mirror too.
Guest said: 20th Aug 2016 | REPORT
I have mirror and i need it as well. Add me on facebook : azrol syakirin
Guest answered:

Are you in google play? If so my ID is PoeticCancer212 and it would really help if you have a Mirror too. Have a nice day

Jessie1993eve answered:

I also need the same I have a Mirror in my Houses add me Jessie1993eve

Guest answered:

I have mirrors add me at game center dracaris2015

Guest answered:

I need Neighbors add me at the game center "Dracaris2015" Thanks

Azrolsyakirin answered:

I have one and I need it as well. If you have one too please add me on Facebook

Guest answered:

Add me to Amanda Rose on FB or Mandyrose0694 on Google. Need friend with Mirror

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Guest said: 17th Sep 2016 | REPORT
add me too my FB name is irene muwalo
Guest said: 17th Sep 2016 | REPORT
add me too my FB name is irene muwalo I need a mirror
Guest answered:

Hey, I need someone with a Mirror. I also have a mirror. Game Center: Vannie5104

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Guest said: 17th Nov 2016 | REPORT
Yeah, I have neighbors that don't have mirrors.
Vannie5104 answered:

Hello, I need a Mirror to finish this Quest, I also have a mirror. Add me, Game Center: Vannie5104.
I also just want more Neighbors, Thank you x

Guest answered:

Pls pls add me on fb Michelle Anne morris need neighbour with Mirror

Showing latest replies - show all (5)
Guest said: 20th Nov 2016 | REPORT
Hi I need a neighbour with a mirror. I have one too.. Please add me on Facebook.. My name is Ron Dutta. Thanks
Guest said: 5th Dec 2016 | REPORT
I have a mirror. Theres to many with your name. Add me on Facebook Olivia Bølle Selig. I have a picture with a grey sweatshirt
Guest said: 15th Dec 2016 | REPORT
Please add me on Facebook, my name is Ron Dutta. I'm wearing a blue t-shirt with a red bike helmet in my Facebook profile picture. I already sent you a request though. Thanks.
Guest said: 6th Jan 2017 | REPORT
Hi I also sent you a request on fb. I need the mirror too. Thanks Smile purple plaid sweatshirt and a dog. Thank you! Smile
Guest answered:

Hi, I need a neighbour with a Mirror, if there's anyone who has it.. Please add me on Facebook.. My name is Ron Dutta. Thanks

Zareen123 answered:

Hey guys I need a Mirror non of my Neighbors have one and nor I am on Facebook 😰 please add me on game centre: CraZEE53❤

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Hay_its_fifi said: 8th Jan 2017 | REPORT
You can add me, my Game Center is - Fifi10224
I also need to do this quest so could you also get a mirror, thanks 😁
goldenclit97 answered:

Hey I have a Mirror add me on fb if you have one my names Hind Elalloussi (profile pic w half my face)

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Hay_its_fifi said: 8th Jan 2017 | REPORT
Where did u find the mirror in the store?
Hay_its_fifi answered:

You can buy a Mirror from 'Promotions r us' beside The Pet Shop.. Add me on Game Center - Fifi10224

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Guest said: 16th Feb 2017 | REPORT
I added your game centre, can you accept me please?
Guest answered:

I don't have a game center but I have Facebook, and I have almost anything you'd need for the neighbor Goals. You can add me but don't stalk me or anything, my name is Alexis Danielson and I'm in a tan blanket burrito style. THIS IS FOR THE GAME ONLY. And also, if you have a Telescope that's be awesome

Guest answered:

Who has Mirror could use

Guest answered:

I also face this problem so what's the solution?

Guest answered:

I have mirrors, add Darren Lyons on Facebook, sim pic in profile.
Just message your a Sims player

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Guest said: 17th Apr 2017 | REPORT
I cant find u, please add me on fb Nila Elastis Salsabila . I need mirror
Nila Felasufia Salsabila said: 17th Apr 2017 | REPORT
I cant find u, please add me on fb Nila Felasufia Salsabila . I need mirror
Guest answered:

You don't need Facebook for this task. You buy a Mirror from the Hobby store, put it in one of YOUR Sims Houses and have a sim that does not live there, go there and practice the speech. You're welcome

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Guest said: 12th May 2017 | REPORT
If you have a mirror. Please add me at fb. My name humairah hashim. I have a mirror. We help each other. Thank you 😉
Guest said: 28th May 2017 | REPORT
which one is you ? i need to use a mirror
Guest said: 20th Jul 2017 | REPORT
Guest answered:

Halo, I need a Mirror. Please add me on Facebook Giofanny Arista, bcause none of my neighbour have a mirror :(

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Guest said: 18th May 2017 | REPORT
Please someone add me.. I'm new.. My Game Center is Ashleeymarie12 thank you
Guest answered:

I have a Mirror and also need one.
My Game Center username is MissMystery1771 , thank you xx

Guest answered:

I have one just add my fb MisterPoltergeist ;)

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Guest said: 12th Aug 2017 | REPORT
I have added you.. Please accept..
Guest answered:

I have a Mirror at my beachside house but I also need someone who has a mirror in their house too. Anyone with a mirror and need a mirror to complete the Quest please add me on Facebook. Username: Sharmine Min

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Guest said: 8th Oct 2017 | REPORT
Can some one please add me on Facebook if you have a mirror or are willing to get one ? None of my neighbors have one. My name is Shaylin Flaherty
akiredesu answered:

After almost a month, I already found the Mirror. Hays. How? Try to look for a neighbor with medieval house. I saw one in the dining room, the one with a violet(?) curtain.

blackarrow7302 answered:

I got a Mirror but can’t use it to do my task. I can add people but will need people with mirror to add me as well.

Guest answered:

Add me on Alisa Merilinnea :3 I need a Mirror too

Guest answered:

You don’t accually need a Mirror just go to a Neighbors Park and go to the box click on it and select make a speech

Guest answered:

I need a Mirror. Please someone help

Guest answered:

The Mirror could be attached to your wardrobe, look closely, I couldn’t add a picture here but the wardrobe is brown in color, taller than the average wardrobe, and has mirrors on both door, hope this helps 🙏🏼


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