Punchbags come second in clumsy ninja, being unlocked at Level 2. the early ones don't give you very much XP, but as you progress you will earn more and more and they become very valuable. The early punch bags have very short cooldown times so can be useful in the early stages.
to use punchbags, once you have placed them in the arena you must hold them up in the best position for the ninja to punch them. He can kick, but in the early stages he misses more than he hits which ends with him taking a while to recover or falling flat on his face. The best position is a short distance away from the ninja and comfortably off the ground so he is punching above halfway up the bag.
Below you will find a list of the Punchbags in clumsy ninja, along with their statistics:
Cost: 140 Coins
Earns: 100 XP and 5 Coins
Requires: Level 2
Cost: 290 Coins or 10 Gems
Earns: 1100 XP and 75 Coins
Requires: Level 8 (Level 5 with Gems)
Cost: 2,400 Coins
Earns: 3500 XP and 200 Coins
Requires: Level 12 (Level 7 with Gems)
Cost: 4,300 Coins
Earns: 10000 XP and 600 Coins
Requires: Level 20 (Level 11 with Gems)
Cost: 12,000 Coins
Earns: 23,000 XP and 1,400 Coins
Requires: Level 29 (Level 13 with Gems)
Cost: 28,000 Coins
Earns: 40,000 XP and 2,500 Coins
Requires: Level 35 (Level 16 with Gems)
Cost: 99,000 Coins
Earns: 60,000 XP and 4,000 Coins
Requires: Level 46 (Level 19 with Gems)