Rescue The Doctors
Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough and Guide
Batman: Arkham Asylum Guide - Walkthrough
Rescue The Doctors
There are three doctors you need to rescue, and all three show up on your new map. For simplicity I decided to rescue the doctor to the north first, since I had already blown open the weakened floor on the side of the bog room opposite to where you speak with the first doctor and male nurse. After I did the Rope-A-Dope Achievement I ninja'd down to the floor there and set a gel charge then zip'd up to the Gargoyle above and, when an enemy walked over the spot, I blew him up. I thought that was a creative takedown, but YMMV.
The point to all this is that the hole I blew in the floor is one way to get to the doctor in the north, so if you were not as creative as I was, go ahead and blow that weak point now, then drop down and head north up the halls into the Upper Corridor now.
5% is the level your on
can u help me? im only 5% of the game
How foes that help
ka-boom ,another one bites the dust!
Your real proud of yourself! Good for you champ!