Sasha Braus was a character in the manga and anime series Attack on Titan who originated from Dauper, a village in the southern territory of Wall Rose. She was a member of the 104th Cadet Corps along with Eren and Mikasa before joining the Survey Corps despite being terrified of Titans. Sasha initially left her village to join the military after getting into an argument with her father when he told her they would have to give up their traditional lifestyle of hunting and instead become farmers, so they could help support the large number of refugees moving to the area after the fall of Wall Maria. Sasha had good knowledge of hunting and wild animals and was adept with a bow.
Sasha was a young, athletic woman, she had reddish brown hair that was kept in a ponytail and light brown eyes. When on missions she wore the standard Scout Regiment uniform and at other times a simple long sleeved blouse with a skirt that slightly covers her boots. Sasha was a compulsive food hoarder and got the nickname 'potato girl' when she was caught eating a potato during training. Before entering the military, Sasha was intolerant and close-minded, she then became a friendly, fun-loving girl that had an overly polite way of speech. She was best friends with Connie Springer and Jean Kirschtein.
Other Names
'Potato Girl'
July 26th
168 cm
55 kg
Family Members
Mr. Braus (Father)
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