Scarecrow Fight 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough and Guide
Batman: Arkham Asylum Guide - Walkthrough
Scarecrow Fight 2
Alright same as before – a really big Scarecrow with searchlight eyes – so do not let him see you. I admit that this one took me a bit to figure out – once you get to the first cover, there is a huge gap that you simply cannot cross without getting spotlighted. It seems like there is no way to do this, but then you will notice the pair of crates hanging in midair. Right...
At first I thought they were suspended by rope and tried to use my faithful Batarang – but that wasn't it – I needed my Batgrappler! Once I switched to the correct tool aiming was simple as was pulling down the crate. Run to the now protective crate, hide behind it and pull down the second one and you are set!
Once past the crate section you run-jump up half a level and round the corned – a bit ahead are some skeletal warriors for you to fight, which you should manage without taking too much damage, and now we avoid detection again until we arrive at another jump where we have to hang off of a ledge and work are way around rather than climbing over it.
Another large jump to a ledge that you hang off of and work your way around – timing is tricky on this if you try to do it when he is looking right, so I waited until he looks left – and once you get past here and round another corner Scarecrow spawn another group of skeletal warriors for you to defeat.
In this second fight occasionally more than one of the skeletons can go into attack mode – and you cannot always counter both so when that happens double tap A to dodge away rather than take the hit as it would really suck to die at this point and have to start over.
I was expecting the next few jumps but not the swinging pendulum in an area where he scans – so it is like the first fight but a bit more challenging! If you are having trouble with this, be aware that the pendulum is on the far side of the platform, so you do not have to worry about it hitting you when you land on the platform – however it is easier and safer to do this as one move rather than breaking it up. All that you need to do is wait until Scarecrow is looking to the right, and then start your run when the pendulum is swinging at the middle of the platform – you should be able to hold A and run without stopping then.
When you get past the pendulum, stop and pay attention to where the shadow is ahead when he is scanning so that if anything goes wrong, you know where to crouch. When Scarecrow sweeps to the left, climb up and run along the path and crouch behind the half-wall. Notice that when Scarecrow scans the area to the right there is NO protection at that last climb point. You are going to want to do this last run carefully so that you can hit the climb point and run to the light in one flowing move.
A nice beam of light to the navel – which is apparently Scarecrow secret weak spot – and a victory that earns you the Achievement: 'Recurring Victory' (10 GP) and you are back in the Main Hall.
me also. i am playing on pc. what button will make batman get down to that wall????
the left control key (I had the same issue for a while)
im having the same problem
I'm stuck on this level -- I get by just fine until the second bit of shimmying, the one that ends on the path that leads to the second batch of skeletons. My problem is that Batman won't let go of the wall! He just hangs there, and no button that I push will get him down onto the path! I have to shimmy back around into shadow to avoid the Scarecrow. Nothing that I can do will get him down off that damn wall!!! What am I missing here?
Thank you having the same problem
Use CTRL button to get down of ledge