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Screen Display

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Lower Left Corner

The minimap is displayed here, the indicator in the middle facing the direction you're looking at. The small white triangle at the edge of the minimap marks north. If an area is covered with fog, bring up your large map, mark the nearest viewpoint (indicated by an eagle sign) and travel towards it. Synchonize with the viewpoint to clear the mist. Yellow indicators on your minimap are alerted enemies, red ones are engaging your in combat. Below the minimap is a number that represents your current level. The greater the difference between you and your enemies' level, the easier/harder fights will be. If you are higher-leveled, fights are easier, if you are lower-leveled, fights are harder. Enemy levels appear above their head after you mark them with Eagle Vision, centering them in your screen during this modus. The bar to the left of the minimap is your health bar, the bar to the right is the skill point meter, indicating how much EXP you need in order to receive another distributable skill point.

Lower Right Corner

At the top of the lower right corner is an icon that represents your currently held weapon/item. You can switch this to something else by pressing left/right on the directional pad. Underneath this icon are the current commands that you can execute with your assassin, some of which are contextual. When you enter Free Running, the commands change.

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