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Sequence 10–2: Murder and Mayhem

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Optional Missions:

- Stay out of combat while finding Hornigold

- Air assassinate Hornigold

Sail to the marked restricted territory first. Keep moving at reasonable speed as other enemy ships will be on the lookout. Avoid the enemy's line of sights as you continue ahead. You have to go through the narrow seaway while evading the patrol boats' detection. Upon reaching the open sea, use the spyglass and concentrate on the schooner docked beside a frigate. Once you've located the Benjamin, tag it and engage it combat. Incapacitate it and sink any other hostile ships that's coming your way. Once Hornigold's ship gets beached, leave your ship and find him on the island.

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Hornigold is located in the Mayan ruins. You have to reach him without alerting the guards so move on along the left side. Use your eagle vision to find and tag hostile targets. Use stealth and take out snipers and soldiers across your path. You have to reach the adjacent hill where a fallen coconut tree connects to hill where Hornigold is located. Approach the ruins at the back where there's a lot of cover to move about. Just don't act carelessly. Take out any guards that may spot you then climb the ruins until he's within your attack range. Take note that the officer near him is moving about so wait for that officer to turn his back and pounce on Hornigold to air assassinate him.

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Sep 24th 2014 Guest
can i get the save game ????
ID #451142
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