Rewards: Pounds: 410, EXP: 250, Extra: Schematic - Reinforced Gauntlet Schematic
No Challenges
This is a fairly short and relatively easy mission with its name coming from Darwin's masterpiece "On the Origin of Species". When the carriage moves away, quickly dash after it and hijack the empty carriage on the road (it should be there, if not, hijack an other carriage as long as no police or Blighters are in it). Follow the carriage until you've moved right next to it, then press L1 / LB when the game prompts you to in order to reach your own carriage's roof. Face the other carriage and press R1 / RB or alternatively jump on it regularly. On this carriage, move to the driver and remove him from his spot with Circle / B. After this, all you have to do is inflict enough damage to the carriage so that you get the information you need. Don't ram police or Blighter carriages though; that would unnecessarily complicate matters. Simply ram normal carriages until the damage has been done.