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Sequence 5-1: The Forts

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Optional Missions:

- Use the mortar to damage the fort

- Use a running assassinate to kill the officer

Head to Nassau's tavern for a scene. Travel to the Punta Guarico to the east next. Approach the fort and you can start the mission as soon as you can. Use your ship's mortar to damage the fort defenses to complete an optional objective. After completing that optional objective, you can proceed destroying the fort defenses using your ship's cannons.

After destroying the fort defenses, dock then enter the fort. Don't bother with the normal enemies and just find the officer. Ensure that you have your hidden blades equipped then perform a running assassination to complete the optional objective. It is effectively done by taking the target by surprise.

Next, head to the war room and open it to find Torres inside. After the scene, the fort will be captured and the region will become unrestricted. All the collectibles and locations in the area will be revealed as well. Before heading to the next mission, you can collect all collectibles in the fort and complete a Naval Contract as well.

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3 comments, latest first.
Apr 7th 2015 Guest
Punta Guarico looks to me like I've already defeated it. It has the blue highlight to allow me to dock, yet I cannot enter the fort. The entrance has been blown up and rocks are in the way. How do I get in and get the treasures? I've tried climbing up the damaged sides of the fort but doesn't work.
ID #538993
May 1st 2014 Guest
ID #380568
Jan 11th 2014 Guest
how to get your mortors and how to use them

ID #342442
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