Rewards: Pounds: 660 (+125), EXP: 350 (+150), Extra: Schematic - Black Leather Gauntlet Schematic
Challenges: 1. Do not touch the river Thames. 2. Sabotage two contrabands at once.
Your target is across the other side of the Thames, which you cannot swim in if you want to complete the challenge. One way is to jump from boat to pier pole to other objects, making your way to the waypoint. If you find this hard to do, an alternative way is to go by the large bridge on the right side (when facing the Thames it's on the right). It's quite a detour, and once across you'll actually have to backtrack a little bit, but it's a 100% guaranteed safe overpass.
Once you reach the waypoint you'll need to sabotage three contrabands in total. You can do this by placing explosives next to them and blowing them up. Before attending to this goal, first defeat all the Blighters on these boats with assassinations or plain combat.
One of the mission's challenges is to blow up two contrabands at once. Two of them are relatively close to each other, with only a plank separating them and the two boats they're lying on (the third is much further away). Place several explosives next to each other, near both contrabands, and connecting the explosives trail by also placing some on the plank. You'll then only have to ignite one of them and quickly take some distance to blow them up both at one. Be sure to save one explosive for the last, third contraband.
When you've done this, move to the docks up ahead, where you must assassinate Millner. There are a lot of Blighters in this area, so you'll first want to stay in stealth mode and start taking out as many of them as you can. There's one on the pier who you can approach from the back. If you climb the building to the right you'll spot two enemies standing near each other; you can double assassinate them when one moves close to the other, simply by waiting for them to both turn red. There are two more enemies up ahead who are standing close to a fire bin. Using a halucinogenic dart on the fire bin (and then hide yourself) will take out several more Blighters. Use Eagle Vision and you'll also spot some hanging barrels in the distance, under which there's often a brute that you can take out by throwing a knife at the barrels. At this point you can also consider taking out several Blighters with knife headshots and back approaches.
Once you feel you've thinned out the area enough, locate Millner and either assassinate him or assault and combat him. When he's out, a scene will play.
You'll now have to reach the other side of the Thames again, but fortunately you're allowed to touch it this time around. Pearl is located in a building near the docks. Enter via the window on the back and overhear their conversation. Afterwards, defeat the three enemies that come through the door (you might be able to cover assassinate one if you're quick), then exit the area.