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Sequence 5-3: Unmanned

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Optional Missions:

- Use berserk darts on 2 brutes

- Use sleep darts on 2 gunners

First up, locate James atop the windmill of Kingston. Getting up there is a little tricky though. Just set your sights on the marker, jump up and catch one of the moving wheels of the windmill, then land on the rooftop. After the scene, your optional objectives will become available as well.

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Go down to the ground and go straight ahead until you reach the mansion's plantation. You can use the berserk darts to exploit nearby brutes' toughness and strength to create the diversion you need. Brutes are the large, axe-wielding guys that can throw bombs. You can even cause additional guys to go on berserk until you create a riot and get the attention of the nearby patrols. While they're at it and when the nearby gunner on the watchtower is not looking (you can also put him to sleep using a sleep dart if you feel like it), sabotage the first bell.

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After sabotaging the first bell, it will be to your advantage to climb up the watchtower and finish the gunner off. Go back to the ground and proceed to the next bells. Remember to move under cover and pause whenever you encounter a group of guards to mark them and study their movements. After sabotaging the two bells and taking out isolated guards, proceed to meet up with Kidd who is hiding in a bush near the mansion's gate. Wait for her to make her move.

After the scene, enter through the gate. Eliminate one of the guards in the balcony then climb to the roof to reach the viewpoint there. Synchronize with it and get the animus fragment over the chimney to the west while you're at it. There's also a chest in the study room in the third floor and another chest in the corridor to the east.

Your target is located in the small garden at the back of the mansion. Put him to sleep so he won't notice you as you get near and finish him off. After Laurens' dying scene, all the manor's guards will discover you and will be after your neck. It will be tricky to escape on foot so you have to find the nearest tree you can climb. Escape the villa by using the trees to avoid the ground troops and exit the plantation. Once you're clear, meet up with Kidd in the windmill to complete the mission.

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4 comments, latest first.
Jul 29th 2015 Guest
We followed the two guards eavesdropping and was told to tackle one of the guards, we then proceeded to the windmill and there is no sign of Kidd. We have even skipped ahead and disarmed the bells and still no sign of anything! Help!
ID #590981
May 17th 2015 Guest
Just catch a blade on the windmill. Yeah right! Iv been trying to do that for two days. Im on a Pc so the jumping onto a blade aint that easy.
ID #557607
Jul 25th 2014 Guest
How am I supposed to complete the mission in the windmill

ID #424903
Mar 29th 2014 Guest
How do get the anumis above the chimney its to high because you crouch up there
ID #369419
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