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S8 M1: Discovery

Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough and Guide

by CMBF  

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Sequence 08, Memory 01 -- Discovery

To obtain 100% Synchronization on this mission is an if-then situation -- if you are attacked you need to kill five Guards without taking damage.  You are going to be attacked, that is a given, so you need to accept that when that happens you need to do a five-kill combo.  Accept that, psych yourself up -- say "I am going to do this!" -- and then do it!

Confronting Ahmet to save Sofia

As the mission starts you are at Sofia's Shop and house -- explore using Eagle Vision through the rooms and you will make a disturbing discovery -- I cannot say anymore than that here -- but it is disturbing...

Your Assassins gather around you and you tell them it is time to take the fight to the enemy!  Note that for the next phase of this mission you can call in as many Arrow Storms and as many Assassin attacks as you like -- the meter instantly recharges!

As you make your way through the Arsenal you confront Ahmet -- but you cannot kill him because he has Sofia...  He demands that you bring him the seals (keys) in order to save Sofia.  After Ahmat leaves you meet with the Prince and you have a chat -- and the mission ends with you 100% Synch and a job well done!

Confronting Ahmet

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1 comments, latest first.
Apr 26th 2013 Guest

ID #277721
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