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Sequence 8–3: Marooned

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Optional Missions:

- Skin 3 animals

- Air assassinate Vane

After the scene, you'll have to find Vane. First things first; climb the nearby viewpoint and synchronize to clear up your map. You can collect the collectibles in this area as you see fit. Follow the path to the forest and hop on the fallen tree trunk along the way. Cross using the other tree trunk and turn left to find a chest. Climb up the trees nearby to get an animus fragment and loot another chest in the ruins after the fragment. This is the hunting spot for the red howler monkey. Since you can't do anything to it right now, you have to return later once you got your old equipment back.

Follow the main path and you'll spot another animus fragment floating over the branches. Get it while you're at it. Also, be careful since there's a black jaguar that spawns along the path. It will be better to take it by surprise by hiding in the nearby foliage or ambush it from the trees. Unfortunately, you have to wait for it to respawn after killing and skinning it to meet the optional objectives. Out of the native fauna in this area, the jaguar is the only animal you can kill and skin using your current equipment.

Follow the main path and you'll eventually reach an ancient temple-like ruin. Vane is in the area as well. Climb the second viewpoint but Vane will run away. Synchronize the viewpoint to clear the map and reveal the collectibles. Collect all the items in the area before following Vane.

Continue your pursuit of Vane. Just follow the river and you'll reach a small swamp. There's a crocodile here so use the trees to reach the other side since you have no way of killing it for now. Vane is already losing his sanity as you encounter him along the way. He'll start shooting and throwing grenades at you. Move from cover to cover since one pistol shot can instantly take out your whole life bar.

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Once you're near him, he'll blow up the tree trunk he's standing on and will escape again. Chase after him until you reach another ruins. This time, your main objective is to kill him. For your secondary optional objective, you have to air assassinate him. You can do this by climbing the top of the tower behind him. Make your move from cover to cover when he's lobbing the grenades. He's good with the pistol so expect to take damage he catches you in the open and while he's aiming with his gun.

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Once you've reached the tower, climb on the part where there's a torch and make your way to the top. Wait for him to load his grenade then leap on him to complete the second optional mission. This will complete the mission.

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