P15A: Side-Trip No. 2 - Park Row District
Batman: Arkham City Walkthrough and Guide
Side-Trip No. 2 - Park Row District
OK, technically since we have already solved the mystery and completed the story mode, this is not really a side-trip at all, but more of a tying up loose ends sort of deal, but we began this adventure with that orderly approach and so we will maintain it now!
If you take a look at the ticklist grid you will notice that there is only an odd few items in most of the districts, with the just the Industrial District, Wonder City, and the Physical Challenge Screen having any appreciable numbers of open boxes, and the Physical Challenges do not count for consideration at this point and for these purposes, as they are more complicated than we want to deal with right now.
The following subsections of this section are logically divided, with each distinct being the logic point. Bear in mind that we are saving the Wonder City, and Wonder Tower for last for several reasons, not the least of which is that we plan to do some flying while we are there -- but more on that later.
I know that I have not said this lately -- but you are doing a bang-up job here mates. I could not have asked for better gaming companions than you, and I want you to know that! High fives! Happy dances! OOH RAH!
For now and to start this concluding Side-Trip we want to head to Park Row!
Wrapping up the Secrets: Park Row
--== Park Row District ==--
In addition to whatever Trophies you have outstanding here, you should also have the TYGER CCTV Relay Hub remaining because we only recently gained the ability to deal with those.
The way this is going to be sturctured is simple -- first the Trophies, then the other stuff. The Trophies that are protected by TYGER Consoles are still Trophies, so those will not be under the TYGER heading just so you know. In addition to wrapping up the remaining Secrets, we will also be completing any Riddles we still have outstanding as well -- as there will not be a separate Riddle Section from here on out.
-- Secrets: Trophies --
For me this came down to just one -- the Trophy that is just northwest of the Courthouse that is protected by a Level-3 TYGER Security Console. Hacking that is a snap now that we have the decryption odes!
If you have other Trophies for this distric, now is when you should do them. GO ahead, the markers should be on your map. I will wait for you to get those done.
Back? Excellent! Now it is time to do our first CCTV system!
-- Secrets: TYGER --
This CCTV Hub is directly above the word "Park" in the Park Row label on the map. Look at the map and then head to the roof there you cannot miss it! When you do arrive you will notice that it is a large self-contained unit with a security console built-in.
Hacking this causes it to shut down, which accomplishes the basic goal, although since we sort of destroyed all of the cameras in the area anyway this is really overkill if you think about it.
Either way that concludes the Park Row segment of our program tonight folks! Thanks for coming, we'll be here through Friday and don't forget to tip your waiter!
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