Dead Rising Walkthrough and Guide
Dead Rising Guide
Levelling up unlocks new skills. Each skill listed below cannot be performed until Frank has mastered the skill by levelling up. You can view the list of skills currently unlocked by pausing the game and selecting the “Status” option.
Jump Kick: Press X in mid-air.
Zombie Ride: Press A while pushing the Left Thumbstick toward nearby zombies.
Kick Back: Repeatedly push the Left Thumbstick in the direction Frank is facing.
Flying Dodge: Push the Left Thumbstick in the same direction twice in rapid succession.
Power Push: When grabbed by a zombie, repeatedly push the Left Thumbstick left or right.
Football Tackle: Press A while pressing down on the Left Thumbstick.
Judo Throw: When grabbed by a zombie, push the Left Thumbstick down repeatedly.
Double Lariat: Click the Left Thumbstick and press X.
Roundhouse Kick: Press X at the exact moment Frank touches the ground.
Lift Up: While facing a zombie, simultaneously press X and A without pushing the Left Thumbstick. Press X again to throw zombie.
Knee Drop: During a jump, press X while pushing downward on the Left Thumbstick.
Suplex: While behind a zombie, press X and A while simultaneously pushing the Left Thumbstick.
Wall Kick: Press X while pushing the Left Thumbstick in the opposite direction of a wall at the moment Frank makes contact with it.
Hammer Throw: Press X and A simultaneously while standing to a zombie's side.
Neck Twist: Stand near the head of fallen zombie and press X and A simultaneously.
Giant Swing: Stand near a fallen zombie's feet and press X and A simultaneously.
Face Crusher: While behind a zombie, press X and A simultaneously while pushing the Left Thumbstick toward the zombie.
Disembowel: Push the Left Thumbstick toward a zombie from the front while simultaneously pressing X and A.
Somersault Kick: Press A to jump, and then immediately press X.
Karate Chop: Press X to unleash this attack on zombies behind Frank.
Zombie Walk: Continuously hold X while near a crowd of zombies.
Dead Rising Xbox 360 Index
Does anybody know what the code is full of life?