Sledge: Battle For The Badlands
Borderlands Walkthrough and Guide
by swaggers
Sledge: Battle For The Badlands
Location: Arid Badlands
GIVER: Shep Sanders
LVL: 17
$: 6866
EXP: 9804
REWARD: Class Mod
Finally time for another boss battle and with it another piece of the Vault Key.
Some points of interest on your journey to Sledge:
First, when you go up the first set of stairs head to the left. This room provides a good overlook of a large area of the map and you can snipe enemies from here. It also provides a good place to pull back to if you get into trouble.
The actual battle with Sledge can be tough. It's VERY close quarters and his weapon does a lot of damage. The only saving grace is the constant stream of low level enemies that you can easily take down for Second Chance if need me.
After he goes down don't forget to loot the Key piece and you can exit from a new side door to get out of the area a lot quicker.
Thanks for the tutorials!