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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Walkthrough and Guide
by Absolute Steve and Just One More
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Guide
Grab the M4A1 from the table and shoot the targets behind you from the hip. The game will ask you if you want to switch to inverse aiming. I personally have gotten used to regular aiming, but it's up to you. Simply follow the sergeant's orders and shoot the targets by sitting and aiming through your sight, then by standing. Also shoot a target through the wooden fence, and lastly toss a grenade in the middle of all targets.
Note that you have a compass in the lower right of your screen. We'll be using this to navigate you around the area, so it's very important to use alongside this walkthrough.
ENEMY INTEL #1: This enemy intel can be found in the northeast side of the area. It's located directly under the white watchtower, next to a toolbox.
Video showing the location of Enemy Intel #1
Head east and go inside the pit. Collect the Desert Eagle, then grab any other machine gun you'd like and enter the practice course. Essentially shoot the hostile targets ASAP and don't shoot any civilians. When you go upstairs in the building, use your knife to take down the target. Finish the course by jumping down below afterwards.
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