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Stones Stones Stones?

Question asked by rarerayquaza on
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Stones Stones Stones?

Where can you get water,fire,sun,moon,leaf, and thunder stone? Can you buy it somewhere?please help

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gcory18 answered:

You have to find them in the game somewhere

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Guest said: 6th Aug 2016 | REPORT
I Think the leaf Stone is around the weather Institute Down by the river
jared-285q answered:

You can buy the water, fire, leaf and thunder from leafgreen and firered in celadon mart and trade it but in emerald the water stone can be found on the abandoned ship, the fire stone in firey path, thunder stone in new mauville and the leaf stone on route 119 or you can find the shards underwater and trade them with the hunter and the sun stone can be found in the mossdeep research centre and a 5% chance of being held by a wild solrock and the moon stone in meteor falls or 5% chance of being held by wild lunatone in sapphire and trade

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Guest said: 5th Sep 2014 | REPORT
Where can I find firey path
Guest said: 21st Sep 2015 | REPORT
Above mauville city instead of taking the elevator you go left of it
Guest said: 21st Oct 2017 | REPORT
what part of abandoned ship can water stone can be found??
Guest answered:

who can find everyone of them or some pokemon can be holding them

Guest answered:

In the dew port granite cave 2 there is an everstone... But you have to have abra and teach flash to it so the cave will not be so dark

Guest answered:

Just go to the Mosdeep and find some Shard like RED SHARD FOR FIRE STONE BLUE SHARD FOR WATER STONE GREEN SHARD FOR LEAF STONE YELLOW SHARD FOR SUN STONE... Then find the shard house..

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Guest said: 23rd Jul 2015 | REPORT
i need it for pc

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