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SuperCheats Member Stats


(the member stats listed here may not be up to date - to check the latest data for a member please click the show button to the right of the listing)


Left Arrow Right Arrow Showing top 500 members: 1-50

Member Points Status / Awards / Badges Show
1 vhayste 4,893,040 16 Pro Submitter
2 AbsoluteSteve 1,059,003 10
3 Warrior13 952,882 14 MVP Pro Submitter
4 Forgoten_Scars 826,390 13 MVP Pro Submitter
5 Alexzander 441,156 15 Pro Submitter
6 Cross Stinger 392,932 19 Legend Pro Submitter
7 cheating-is-good 372,805 15 Pro Submitter
8 Zelda Fan 326,436 18 Pro Submitter
9 Glaceon 312,271 14 MVP Pro Submitter
10 EspeonDude_ 311,855 16 Pro Submitter
11 nintendo_dude 295,563 18 Pro Submitter
12 Keyblade21 294,426 14 MVP Pro Submitter
13 cyber_john3000 286,463 16 Pro Submitter
14 Aeon-Flux 278,539 16 Pro Submitter
15 None 277,330 18
16 annefranman52 266,740 17 Pro Submitter
17 sheiny 263,479 18 Pro Submitter
18 superblobby 255,234 17 Pro Submitter
19 superbird5005 208,785 17 MVP Pro Submitter
20 steelersrock01 206,858 16 Pro Submitter
21 Blademaster55 192,982 16 Pro Submitter
22 Volke 185,294 16 MVP Pro Submitter
23 v-gamer 180,838 16 Pro Submitter
24 43 177,000 19
25 no one 170,440 16
26 Ninetailed Fox 168,578 13 MVP Pro Submitter
27 Matt77 164,401 10 Pro Submitter
28 spideraman99 164,319 18 Pro Submitter
29 Rangerman 152,969 15 Pro Submitter
30 Michael Monette 152,000 12
31 hatershateme 149,097 14 Pro Submitter
32 nicko 9000 148,409 18 Pro Submitter
33 roadkillers 146,489 18 Pro Submitter
34 Kenny 2x4 144,386 19 Pro Submitter
35 guy in oakland 137,203 15 Pro Submitter
36 Me 135,060 17
37 darkboarder_77 131,076 18 Pro Submitter
38 PhilXZ 130,109 15 Pro Submitter
39 danielroxheaps 129,612 8 MVP Pro Submitter
40 Weevil 129,318 16 Pro Submitter
41 sk8rboy 127,059 17 Pro Submitter
42 johnkrill 126,344 18 Pro Submitter
43 Shotgunnova 125,550 16
44 gamespro 121,361 15 Pro Submitter
45 Pravinj 120,971 12 Pro Submitter
46 Nic21 120,483 14 Pro Submitter
47 balthiersbit 120,169 15 Pro Submitter
48 Vasco 118,413 15 Pro Submitter
49 kimmy456 116,163 14 MVP Pro Submitter
50 Smoothe 114,640 17 Pro Submitter
See Also...

Most answers - Who is the most helpful
Wikis - Who are the game experts


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Scoring Points

The following section will give you an idea of how the points are worked out on SuperCheats. This list is not complete and is subject to change.

Scoring a submission or comment with a thumb up or down: 1 point

Member referrals, new members can enter the name of the person that directed them to SuperCheats. getting that person... : 500 points

Posting a comment: 3 points

Forum Posts (excl. Forum Games): 2 points

Forum Games Posts: 0.5 points

Teams section Posts 0.5 points

Adding a Question: 20 points

Adding an Answer: 50 points, +50 point bonus if you are first

Submitting a Cheat: 100 points

Submitting a Hint: 100 points

Submitting a Review: 100 points

Submitting a Long Review: 200 points

Submitting a Walkthrough: 1000 points

Submitting a Video: 500 points

Submitting a GS / AR Code +100

Starting a thread in the main forum : 50 points

Start a new team: 200 points
Team gets 1,000 posts: 1000 points
Team gets 5,000 posts: 4000 points
Team gets 10,000 posts: 5000 points
Team gets 50,000 posts: 40000 points
Team gets 100 members: 5000

There are also bonus points, such as:
Winning an MVP competition: 2500 points
A submission getting: 50 thumbs: 100 points
Pro Submitter bonus: 10000 points
Becoming a moderator: 2000 points
Becoming a super moderator: 10000 points
Becoming a forum admin: 50000 points