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Chronological Sidequest Guide

by BundleB

 _____     _                   __   _   _             ___  _                   
|_   _|   | |                 / _| | | | |           / _ \| |                  
  | | __ _| | ___ ___    ___ | |_  | |_| |__   ___  / /_\ | |__  _   _ ___ ___ 
  | |/ _` | |/ _ / __|  / _ \|  _| | __| '_ \ / _ \ |  _  | '_ \| | | / __/ __|
  | | (_| | |  __\__ \ | (_) | |   | |_| | | |  __/ | | | | |_) | |_| \__ \__ \
  \_/\__,_|_|\___|___/  \___/|_|    \__|_| |_|\___| \_| |_|_.__/ \__, |___|___/
                                                                  __/ |        
               Chronological Sidequest Guide                     |___/         

                   | Written by BundleB                    |
                   | Version 1.00                          |
                   | Initial Version: August 13, 2013      |
                   | Latest Update: August 13, 2013        |
                   | Email: See contact information below. |


Notes about this Guide
Chronological Sidequests
   Master Chefs                [MCF01]
   Collector's Book            [CBK01]
   St. Binah's Medicine Shops  [SBM01]
   Soil Tree of St. Binah      [STB01]
   Sonic Thrust                [SNT01]
   Black Dream Fan Club        [BDF01]
   Sword Dancer                [SWD01]
   Tear's Pendant              [TSP01]
   Ant Lion Man                [ALN01]
   Free Items                  [FRI01]
   Have We Met?                [HWM01]
   Guy's Artes                 [GYA01]
   Arcane Arte Books           [AAB01]
   Contamination Effect        [CNE01]
   Jewel of Gardios            [JWG01]
   Sigmund Tactician           [SGT01]
   Curious Princess            [CRP01]
   Yulia City Items            [YCI01]
   Natalia's Artes             [NLA01]
   Character Disc              [CDC01]
   Tear's Fonic Hymns          [TFH01]
   Music Box House             [MBH01]
   Hyperresonance Training     [HRT01]
   Warehouse Cleanup           [WHS01]
   Grown-Up Child              [GUC01]
   Labyrinth Mansion           [LBM01]
   Easygoing Waitress          [EGW01]
   Childhood Manor             [CHM01]
   Skit Viewer                 [SKV01]
   Forbidden Spells            [FBS01]
   Blacksmith                  [BSM01]
   King's Portrait             [KGP01]
   Cecille and Frings          [CAF01]
   Guy and Van                 [GNV01]
   Chasing Spinoza             [CSZ01]
   Where It All Began          [WIB01]
   Sorcerer's Ring             [SRG01]
   Proud Maid                  [PRM01]
   A Princess's Duty           [APD01]
   Coliseum                    [CLM01]
   Catalyst Weapons            [CTW01]
   Dark Wings Key              [DWK01]
   Grand Chokmah's Waterfall   [GCW01]
   Barrel Breaker              [BBK01]
   Monster Collector           [MCR01]
   Lawman                      [LWM01]
   Mushroom Road               [MHR01]
   Upgraded Flightstones       [UFS01]
   History Lessons             [HLS01]
   Berserker                   [BKR01]
   Engeve's Monsters           [EVM01]
   Fonic Sight                 [FNS01]
   Keterburg Spa               [KBS01]
   Abyss Man                   [AYM01]
   Good Spirits                [GDS01]
   Replica Research            [RPR01]
   Rocket Tower                [RKT01]
   Adventurous Princess        [AVP01]
   Nam Cobanda Isle            [NCI01]
   Anime Cutscene Viewer       [ACV01]
   Star of Malkuth             [SMK01]
   Cat Cat Kitty Cat           [CKC01]
   Dragon Buster               [DGB01]
   Cheagle Rescue              [CGR01]
   Hard Worker                 [HWK01]
   Stone Monument Pilgrimage   [SMP01]
   Financial Investor          [FNI01]
   Miscellaneous Titles        [MCT01]
   Viscount                    [VCT01]
   Largo's Past                [LGP01]
   Doctor Mambo                [DRM01]
   Reflection                  [RFN01]
   Little Devil                [LDV01]
   Hopeless Dreamer            [HDR01]
   Locrian Colonel             [LNC01]
   Final Battle Outfits        [FBO01]
   Tactical Leader             [TCL01]
   Abyss Replica Facility      [ARF01]
List of Cleared File Quests    [CLFQT]
Waitress Mini-Game Tutorial    [WTRSG]
Contact Information            [CINFO]
Version History                [VHIST]
Legal Information              [LINFO]


 - I owe a great deal of thanks to the writers of the walkthroughs for Tales of
   the Abyss on GameFAQs, especially Gray Fox. Referencing their guides was a
   huge help in determining the general order of the sidequests and also how to
   go about finding them.

 - I also owe many, many thanks to Cyllya's Tales of the Abyss sidequest guide, 
   which helped me find the sidequests and ensure that I included all of them.

 - I'm very grateful to the places I found some data I was missing, which
   include the Extras Guide, the Din's Shop Guide, AuraChannelerChris and
   various others on YouTube, and Aselia, the Tales wiki.


 - This guide lists Tales of the Abyss's sidequests in the order they appear in
   the game. The various parts of each sidequest are listed separately so that
   you can do each part as you reach that point in the game.

 - Locations refer to the where you can find the place to START that particular
   part of the quest.

 - Start points listed as "enter [city]" refer to the first time the game's
   storyline takes you to that city.

 - Prerequisites listed as "clear the game" mean that you'll need to be on a
   second or further playthrough.

 - Milestone events are only listed to help you keep track of where you are and
   ensure that you haven't missed anything.

 - The bracketed codes in the table of contents will take you to the first part
   of a given sidequest. If you're looking for the parts of a specific quest,
   just replace the "01" with the next number to get to the next part of the
   sidequest. Or you can just use the three letter code to get to all parts of
   the sidequest in order.

 - I have attempted to make this guide as spoiler-free as possible, but a few
   may have slipped through. As long as you don't read too far ahead, you
   should be fine. Any unavoidable spoilers are labeled.


[MCF01] Master Chefs
Part 1/19
Location: Engeve
Start: enter Engeve
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

From the west entrance of Engeve, go into the house to the north. Inside,
there's a woman standing by the stove. Talk to her and agree to help, then
follow the path down and to the right and go into the house with the
waterwheel. Go in and talk to the old lady on the right, then back to the first
house to get the Spaghetti recipe.

If you're going to get cooking titles, start cooking from the beginning of the
game. Use one character and have them cook after every battle. I recommend
doing Anise first, since she can get a second title out of it. Once they've
mastered a recipe (gotten three stars), replace it with another one. Mastering
recipes takes a while, which is why it's a good idea to start early.

[CBK01] Collector's Book
Part 1/2
Location: Engeve
Start: stay at Engeve's inn
Cutoff: enter Akzeriuth
Prerequisites: none

Talk to the shopkeeper Luke tried to steal the apple from. Enter the Cheagle
Woods and go left as soon as you can to find a treasure chest containing a
Secret Box. Once Guy joins the party, return to Engeve. You'll probably see a
scene at night first. Bring the Secret Box to the man, and he'll give you the
Collector's Book in return. Also, prices of food in Engeve will be lowered by

[MCF02] Master Chefs
Part 2/19
Location: St. Binah
Start: enter St. Binah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Go to the eastern area of St. Binah and enter the first house on the left.
Examine the notebook lying on the floor to get the Sandwich recipe.

[SBM01] St. Binah's Medicine Shop
Part 1/1
Location: St. Binah
Start: enter St. Binah
Cutoff: enter Akzeriuth
Prerequisites: none

Go to the eastern side of the city and enter the medicine shop in the back,
just past the ladder. Talk to the man behind the counter on the left. He wants
a Gel Base and a Cotton.

You can find the Gel Base in Search Point 1 and the Cotton in Search Point 4.
Look at Cyllya's world map on GameFAQs for help with where to find them. Search
Point 1 is in square G5 (west of St. Binah, cross the river via the bridge and
head south along the coast). Search Point 4 is in H6 (east of the entrance to
the Fubras River -- follow the path until you reach the bridge that's out and
go west from there). You may not get the items the first time you check the
search points, so save before checking them. This will let you reset the game
if you don't get what you're looking for. Otherwise you'll need to enter and
then exit a dungeon or city for the search points to reset, and there aren't
any nearby.

On returning to St. Binah, give the man the items to get a Miracle Gel, a new
item shop opened, and medicine prices in St. Binah lowered by 20%.

[STB01] Soil Tree of St. Binah
Part 1/1
Location: St. Binah
Start: meet Field Marshal McGovern
Cutoff: enter Akzeriuth
Prerequisites: none

Climb up the ladder on the eastern side of St. Binah and examine the things
there for a scene.

[BDF01] Black Dream Fan Club
Part 1/3
Location: St. Binah
Start: meet Field Marshal McGovern
Cutoff: cross the Fubras River
Prerequisites: none

Immediately after entering the eastern side of St. Binah, find a bulletin board
with a poster on it. Hit the poster on the left with Mieu Fire for a scene and
200 Gald.

[SNT01] Sonic Thrust
Part 1/1
Location: St. Binah, Kaitzur, OR Kaitzur Naval Port
Start: Guy joins the party
Cutoff: enter Akzerituh
Prerequisites: none

Stay at the inn in one of these three places for a scene and the arte Sonic
Thrust for Luke. Kaitzur's is free, so I'd just stop as soon as you get there.
An inn's on your left if you're coming in from the Malkuth side.

[SWD01] Sword Dancer
Part 1/3
Location: Choral Castle
Start: clear Choral Castle
Cutoff: enter Akzeriuth
Prerequisites: none

Examine the sword in the entrance hall of Choral Castle to fight the Sword
Dancer. This can also be done later when you pass by on your way to Akzeriuth,
and the fight will be easier. Don't worry; I'll remind you when the time comes.

[TSP01] Tear's Pendant
Part 1/2
Location: Chesedonia
Start: enter Chesedonia
Cutoff: enter Astor's mansion
Prerequisites: none

Find the coachman from Tataroo Valley in the marketplace near the inn on the
Malkuth side and talk to him for a scene.

[BDF02] Black Dream Fan Club
Part 2/3
Location: Chesedonia
Start: enter Chesedonia
Cutoff: clear Zao Ruins
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Talk to the person in the stall nearest the inn on the Malkuth side of
Chesedonia. Pay 1,000 Gald and get the Fanzine.

[ALN01] Ant Lion Man
Part 1/6
Location: Chesedonia
Start: enter Chesedonia
Cutoff: enter Astor's mansion
Prerequisites: none

Go toward the south side of Chesedonia, in the part of the Kimlascan side with
the inn. The Ant Lion Man is hiding back in an alley between the inn and an old
man who is sitting on the ground with a jar. Talk to the Ant Lion Man and give
him an Apple Gel; he'll give you the recipe for Fried Chicken in return.

[FRI01] Free Items
Part 1/1
Location: Chesedonia
Start: enter Chesedonia
Cutoff: ???
Prerequisites: none

Across from the Ant Lion Man's alley is a merchant in a booth between the two
weapon shops. Talk to him for a scene. Choose Food to get three Beef, three
Chicken, and three Rice; choose Items to get two Apple Gels, two Poison
Bottles, and two Magic Lenses.

[HWM01] Have We Met?
Part 1/1
Location: Baticul
Start: audience with King Ingobert
Cutoff: ???
Prerequisites: none

Talk to Pere in the courtyard of Fabre manor for a brief scene.

[GYA01] Guy's Artes
Part 1/7
Location: Baticul
Start: audience with King Ingobert
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Talk to Pere in the courtyard of Fabre manor for a scene with Guy. The above
scene will trigger first, so just talk to him again after it for this one.

[AAB01] Arcane Arte Books
Part 1/6
Location: Baticul
Start: talk to Susanne after returning to Baticul
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Talk to Ramdas in Fabre mansion for a scene and 20,000 Gald. From there, go
down to the port and head toward the docks to find the merchant. Fork over the
20,000 Gald you just got in exchange for Arcana Albertis. Luke learns the arte
Demon Fist.

[CNE01] Contamination Effect
Part 1/4
Location: Baticul
Start: audience with King Ingobert
Cutoff: enter the Abandoned Factory
Prerequisites: none

Go to the port for a scene with Jade. To do this immediately after the previous
sidequest, leave via the aircar and come back for the scene.

While you're in Baticul, pick up at least five Rice. Try not to cook things
with Rice for a while so that you have them for a later sidequest a way down
the road. Don't worry too much if you accidentally cook them -- you'll still be
able to complete the sidequest; you'll just have to go a little out of your way
to do so. If you're working on getting some cooking titles, you may as well
keep cooking your Rice and do this the long way to get some more time to cook.

[JWG01] Jewel of Gardios
Part 1/3
Location: Baticul
Start: talk to Susanne after returning to Baticul
Cutoff: conference in Yulia City
Prerequisites: complete part 1 of Guy's Artes and part 1 of Arcane Arte Books

Find Pere in the entrance hall of Fabre manor and talk to him for a scene.

[SGT01] Sigmund Tactician
Part 1/1
Location: Baticul
Start: Anise rejoins the party on the way out of Baticul
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: fight at least 300 battles, view all of Miyagi's tutorials

Go to Miyagi Dojo and talk to Miyagi for a scene. Guy will get the Sigmund
Tactician title. You probably don't have 300 battles at this point unless you
carried them over from a previous playthrough, so I'll remind you about this
one later.

[MCF03] Master Chefs
Part 3/19
Location: Baticul
Start: speak to Miyagi in Miyagi Dojo for the first time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Stay at the inn in Baticul to get the recipe for Fried Rice.

[GYA02] Guy's Artes
Part 2/7
Location: Desert Oasis
Start: enter Desert Oasis
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Enter the Grocery in the Desert Oasis and talk to Gee, the old man in the back.
You'll get the Hod Citizen Registry.

[ALN02] Ant Lion Man
Part 2/6
Location: Chesedonia
Start: clear Zao Ruins
Cutoff: visit the Malkuth Consulate in Chesedonia
Prerequisites: complete part 1

The Ant Lion Man wants a Scimitar and a Magic Lens. Hand them over and receive
an Orange Gel in return. (Don't worry; this sidequest will be worth the
trouble later on.)

[CRP01] Curious Princess
Part 1/1
Location: Chesedonia
Start: clear the Abandoned Factory
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: make 5 items at Din's shop, check the first 6 Search Points

Enter Din's Shop and talk to Din for a scene and the title Curious Princess for
Natalia. This can be a bit hard to get now because of all the items you have to
make and Search Points you have to find, so I'll remind you to do it later when
it's a little easier.

Choral Castle is just a short side trip away from Deo Pass and Kaitzur Naval
Port. If you haven't fought the Sword Dancer already, do so now.

[GYA03] Guy's Artes
Part 3/7
Location: Kaitzur
Start: enter Kaitzur Naval Port after sailing from Chesedonia
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Take a detour up to Kaitzur and find the next member of the arcane artes
council on the Malkuth side of Kaitzur. He's standing just south of the inn.
Guy learns Tempest.

[BDF03] Black Dream Fan Club
Part 3/3
Location: St. Binah
Start: enter Kaitzur Naval Port after sailing from Chesedonia
Cutoff: enter St. Binah the second time
Prerequisites: complete part 2

While you're taking detours, head on up to St. Binah and find Ayn on the
eastern side of the city to get your 800 Gald refunded. It's a bit out of your
way, but this is the best time to do it as far as I can tell. You might be able
to hit this one before entering Theor Forest, but I'm not sure.


[MCF04] Master Chefs
Part 4/19
Location: Yulia City
Start: enter Yulia City
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Examine the notebook in the room downstairs from Tear's room to learn the
recipe for Ramen.

[YCI01] Yulia City Items
Part 1/3
Location: Yulia City
Start: enter Yulia City
Cutoff: leave Yulia City
Prerequisites: none

Outside of Yulia City (that is, outside the city part of it -- where there's
that long walkway out to the world map), look to the left right near the
entrance into the city itself. It's across from the path to Tear's room.
There's a guy standing there who needs some help. Give him the three Apple Gels
he asks for.

[NLA01] Natalia's Artes
Part 1/2
Location: Port Sheridan
Start: leave Yulia City
Cutoff: enter Ortion Cavern
Prerequisites: none

Take a side trip to Port Sheridan (across the channel and north of Port
Belkend, which is where you're supposed to be going). Go to the left side of
the port for a scene. Natalia gets the arte Gallant Barrage, and you wind up in
Daath Bay.

[MCF05] Master Chefs
Part 5/19
Location: Belkend
Start: enter Belkend
Cutoff: clear Ortion Cavern?
Prerequisites: none

Go to the place where the road forks in three ways and go south. Take a right,
and instead of going up the stairs, go under the platform. Walk up to the dead
end for a scene. Help the guy out to get the Soba Noodles recipe.

[CDC01] Character Disc
Part 1/1
Location: Yulia City
Start: Luke cuts his hair
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Go through the door down the stairs from Tear's room. Inside you'll get the
Character Disc, which lets you look at various characters along with all the
costumes you have for party characters. (While you're there, check out the
chest in the back for a capacity core.)

[YCI02] Yulia City Items
Part 2/3
Location: Yulia City
Start: Luke cuts his hair
Cutoff: get the Albiore
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Back to the same guy from part 1. Now he wants five Rice. If you don't have
five Rice, you can buy them later on and come back. I'll remind you when we get
to that point.

[TFH01] Tear's Fonic Hymns
Part 1/2
Location: Yulia City
Start: Luke cuts his hair
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

When you try to enter the conference room to talk to Teodoro, you'll be stopped
by a woman named Layla. You can find her in her room below the conference room
before or after you talk to Teodoro. Tear learns the Third Fonic Hymn, Holy
Song, in the scene.

[MBH01] Music Box House
Part 1/8
Location: Daath
Start: enter Daath
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none?

Go up the stairs to the left immediately beyond the entrance of the city and
stand by the crates to get Prelude.

[HRT01] Hyperresonance Training
Part 1/4
Location: Daath
Start: enter Daath
Cutoff: leave Daath after clearing Oracle Headquarters
Prerequisites: none

Stay at the inn in Daath for a scene with Luke and Tear.

[MCF06] Master Chefs
Part 6/19
Location: Daath
Start: enter Daath
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Talk to the chef standing in the small restaurant near Daath's inn. It's just
up the road on the same side. He'll give you the recipe for Pizza.

[MCF07] Master Chefs
Part 7/19
Location: Daath
Start: speak to Tritheim in the cathedral
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

In the entrance hall of the cathedral, go into the library (the door on the
left). Examine the book on the table for the Sushi recipe.

[GYA04] Guy's Artes
Part 4/7
Location: Daath
Start: clear Oracle Headquarters
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 3

Go to the First Monument (the stone pillar thingy to the right of the stairs to
the cathedral) and talk to the next arcane artes council guy, who's standing in
front of it.

If you didn't do part two of the Yulia City Items quest, take care of it now.
You can buy the rice in Baticul and use Aramis Spring to get back to Yulia

[WHS01] Warehouse Cleanup
Part 1/4
Location: Keterburg Bay
Start: enter Keterburg Bay
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

The Keterburg Warehouse is almost directly above the dock -- it's the only door
in Keterburg Bay that has a person standing in front of it. He wants you to
organize his warehouse. By doing so, you'll get a Stun Bracelet, a Pineapple
Gel, a Rebirth Doll, and 5000 Gald. I won't explain how to do it here because
it'll be tedious and confusing in text, but you can search YouTube for
something along the lines of "Tales of the Abyss warehouse" and you should be
able to find a tutorial.

[MCF08] Master Chefs
Part 8/19
Location: Keterburg Bay
Start: enter Keterburg Bay
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Enter the building on the left and examine the green notebook on the bench for
the Salad recipe.

[GUC01] Grown-Up Child
Part 1/1
Location: Keterburg
Start: enter Keterburg
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Enter the Casino for a scene. Anise receives the title Grown-Up Child.

[LBM01] Labyrinth Mansion
Part 1/3
Location: Keterburg
Start: enter Keterburg
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

Find a man standing outside a large house on the east side of Keterburg and
talk to him. Scene.

[EGW01] Easygoing Waitress
Part 1/1
Location: Keterburg
Start: enter Keterburg
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Go to the second floor of the Hotel in Keterburg. Head through the door to the
right and talk to the guy standing nearby. Time to play the waitress mini-game.
Complete at least one level of the mini-game to get the title Easygoing
Waitress for Tear. Check out the waitress mini-game tutorial appended at the
end of this guide if you'd like help.

[CHM01] Childhood Manor
Part 1/1
Location: Keterburg
Start: enter Keterburg
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

On the west side of Keterburg, take a right immediately before Nephry's house.
There'll be a little scene with another of Anise's marriage schemes just down
the road.

[SKV01] Skit Viewer
Part 1/1
Location: Keterburg
Start: enter Keterburg
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: clear the game

Go to the northeast igloo in the northern part of town where the kids are
playing. Inside is an Ant Lion Man who will let you view skits.

[SWD02] Sword Dancer
Part 2/3
Location: World Map (Search Point on Rugnica continent)
Start: land at Rotelro Bridge
Cutoff: clear the Absorption Gate
Prerequisites: complete part 1

This one's easy to come back to when your levels are a little higher, so I'll
remind you a little way down the road. If you do want to take on the Sword
Dancer now, though, it's best to do so before entering Theor Forest. The second
Sword Dancer is northeast of Rotelro Bridge and southeast of Theor Forest. East
side of the path, west side of the river, closer to Theor Forest than to
Rotelro Bridge. Examine the search point to fight him.

[MCF09] Master Chefs
Part 9/19
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: Jade rejoins the party in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

After you find Jade in the top floor of the bar, talk to the guy behind the
counter on the first floor to get the recipe for Curry.

When you return to the inn to meet up with Guy, you'll be offered a quick jump
to St. Binah. If you want to do these sidequests, choose not to take the quick
jump and walk to St. Binah once you've finished the sidequests. It isn't far to
go, so I'd recommend doing them now.

[WHS02] Warehouse Cleanup
Part 2/4
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: Guy rejoins the party in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

You can find the Grand Chokmah Warehouse on the first floor of the bar where
you found Jade earlier -- there's now a guy standing in front of the door in
the back. Organize it to get a Strange Mark, a Lemon Gel, a Lollipop, and 5000

[GYA05] Guy's Artes
Part 5/7
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: Guy rejoins the party in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 4

On the second floor of the bar, talk to the old man by the barrel at the top of
the stairs. Scene.

[FBS01] Forbidden Spells
Part 1/11
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: Guy rejoins the party in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

SPOILER WARNING: It seems that this sidequest is available earlier than it
should be, and so the scene contains an inconsistency that is also a rather
major spoiler. If you'd like to do this one later, when it won't be a spoiler,
just watch for my reminder.

Head over to the Malkuth Military Headquarters west of the palace. Go in, to
the south, up the stairs, and into the briefing room on the left. You'll find
Sesemann there. Talk to him for a scene and the Ancient Scroll.

[WHS03] Warehouse Cleanup
Part 3/4
Location: Port Belkend
Start: leave St. Binah to go to Sheridan
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Enter Port Belkend and go left instead of up the stairs. Talk to the guy by the
door to organize a warehouse. You'll get an Apple Gel, a Dark Seal, the Great
Pirate, and 5000 Gald in return.

[GYA06] Guy's Artes
Part 6/7
Location: Belkend
Start: leave St. Binah to go to Sheridan (it's possible earlier, but now makes 
   the most sense)
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 5

As long as you're headed for Sheridan, make a quick stop by Belkend since it
isn't far away. Head into the city and head south from that platform with the
three sets of stairs where the road forks. Talk to the artes council guy at the
foot of the stairs by the big spinning fon machine.

[WHS04] Warehouse Cleanup
Part 4/4
Location: Port Sheridan
Start: enter Port Sheridan
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

The Sheridan Warehouse is on the left side of Port Sheridan -- the door with
the sailor standing in front of it. Clean it up to find an Apple Gel, an
All-Divide, a Holy Ring, and 5000 Gald. If this is your last warehouse, Anise
will get the Push & Pull Girl title.

[BSM01] Blacksmith
Part 1/3
Location: Sheridan
Start: enter Sheridan
Cutoff: ???
Prerequisites: none

Talk to the guy in the room on the left side of the Equipment shop. You'll need
Iron Sand, Gold Dust, and a Rock to craft something, which you can find:

Iron Sand: Search Points 6, 9, and 16 (see the world map on GameFAQs)
Gold Dust: Search Point 9 or steal from Lesser Pans
Rock: Search Points 7, 13, and 14

You can make armor, a helmet, or a circlet (which is actually an armband, not
headgear). The mini-game isn't too hard. Watch the smith's words and Luke's mood
to see how you're doing. Complete the mini-game to get an item based on what you
chose to craft:

Armor: Battlesuit
Helmet: Cross Helm
Circlet: Gold Bracelet

[HRT02] Hyperresonance Training
Part 2/4
Location: Sheridan
Start: enter Sheridan
Cutoff: ???
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Stay at the inn for another scene with Luke and Tear.

[MCF10] Master Chefs
Part 10/19
Location: Sheridan
Start: enter Sheridan
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Go into the Bar/Item Shop below the Inn. There's a green notebook lying on a
small table on the right; examine it to learn the recipe for Udon Noodles.

[MBH02] Music Box House
Part 2/8
Location: Sheridan
Start: enter Sheridan
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none?

Enter the Music Box House in the northeast part of the city for a scene.


Just before the start point of the sidequest below, your party will split and
take care of two different errands that will have you running across the field.
Avoiding battles during this part will get you some items at the end of it.
When you're working with Jade's party, make sure you get the Magical Pouch at
the end. You'll be wanting it for a sidequest way down the road.

[ALN03] Ant Lion Man
Part 3/6
Location: Chesedonia
Start: regroup in Chesedonia after splitting the party
Cutoff: clear Zao Ruins the second time
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Find everyone's favorite mysterious item trading guy in his alleyway and hand
over a Miracle Gel, a Panacea Bottle, and an Apple. He will happily give you a
Thief Cape in return.

Noticed how high prices are in shops right now? Well, both prices of things you
purchase and things you sell have skyrocketed, and there's really no reason to
keep all of your old equipment. You may as well sell it now and get the extra
Gald. It'll come in handy down the road -- there are a few unfortunately
expensive sidequests.

Also, while you're in Chesedonia, pick up five Maces from the weapons shop.
They'll come in handy for a sidequest before long.

[TSP02] Tear's Pendant
Part 2/2
Location: Chesedonia
Start: enter Chesedonia after clearing Zao Ruins the second time
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

The coachman from Tataroo Valley is in the same place as he was before. Talk to
him, then head for Grand Chokmah. The guy you want is in the Grand Chokmah
shopping center, and he wants 100,000 Gald. Ouch. When you have it, pay it to
him to obtain Tear's Pendant.

[MBH03] Music Box House
Part 3/8
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: enter Chesedonia after clearing Zao Ruins the second time
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none?

Go around the outside of the shopping center to find a hidden door on in the
back on its right side. Open the chest inside to get Purity, another fonic

[KGP01] King's Portrait
Part 1/1
Location: Aramis Spring
Start: enter Chesedonia after clearing Zao Ruins the second time
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

Go a little way up the slope for a scene. Follow the dog and use Mieu Fire to
rescue the guy. He gives you the King's Portrait for your trouble. Hm, this
might come in handy soon.

[YCI03] Yulia City Items
Part 3/3
Location: Yulia City
Start: enter Chesedonia after clearing Zao Ruins the second time
Cutoff: ???
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Our friend in Yulia City is in need of five Maces now. Why is beyond me, but
hand them over anyway. This sidequest is done, but I promise it wasn't
pointless. Having it completed opens up some opportunities for a slew of titles
later on.

[AAB02] Arcane Arte Books
Part 2/6
Location: Yulia City
Start: enter Chesedonia after clearing Zao Ruins the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

While you're in Yulia City, talk to the guy from St. Binah outside Tear's
house. We'll keep going with this one in a bit.

[MBH04] Music Box House
Part 4/8
Location: Choral Castle
Start: enter Chesedonia after clearing Zao Ruins the second time
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: complete the King's Portrait quest

Enter the castle and go up the stairs on the right. Head outside onto the
balcony. Go in the other door and to the back where the two chairs are. Go up
to them for a scene. It does seem to imply that a certain someone have drawn
them... Into the door and grab Requiem from the treasure chest.

As long as you're in the area, now isn't a bad time to take on the second Sword
Dancer if you have the supplies and health for it and haven't done so already.

[CAF01] Cecille and Frings
Part 1/5
Location: Engeve
Start: enter Chesedonia after clearing Zao Ruins the second time
Cutoff: enter Daath after clearing Zao Ruins the second time
Prerequisites: none

Enter Engeve. There's a scene in front of Rose's house. Into the inn, talk to
Cecille. Leave and head for Kaitzur, Kimlascan side (the south). Go into the
building on the left to find Count Almandine. Back to Engeve and to Rose's
house. Next, Kaitzur, Malkuth side (north). Scene. Before you leave, talk to
Frings. Then to Kaitzur Naval Port, and into the Kimlasca Base. Get Cecille's
Sword. Engeve again, Rose's house. Get Frings' Letter. Return to Cecille in
Kaitzur Naval Port. Now to Chesedonia, Astor's Mansion. (Note that you can't
fly through the eastern part of the Zao Desert due to sandstorms, so be sure to
go around.) Get the Memento Ring. Kaitzur, Malkuth side to speak with Frings
(fly around to avoid sandstorms again), and then Kaitzur Naval Port, Kimlasca
Base one last time. Congratulations, you've finished the most tedious part of
this sidequest.

[HRT03] Hyperresonance Training
Part 3/4
Location: Daath
Start: enter Daath after clearing Zao Ruins the second time
Cutoff: ???
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Inn. Stay. Scene.

[GNV01] Guy and Van
Part 1/1
Location: Belkend
Start: Jade deciphers the ancient book from Ion in Belkend
Cutoff: peace conference in Yulia City
Prerequisites: none

Stay at the inn. You can choose whether to follow Guy or not; do so to view the

[MCF11] Master Chefs
Part 11/19
Location: Belkend
Start: meet Class I in Belkend
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Right after meeting Class I, go through the door to the north (or, if you're
coming to the entrance from Fon Machine Lab 1, go north, north, east into the
Replica Lab, and north). You are now in Van's office. Examine the green
notebook on the bookshelf for a rather amusing little scene and the Egg Bowl

[CSZ01] Chasing Spinoza
Part 1/1
Location: Fourth Monument Hill
Start: leave Belkend after Asch leaves to chase Spinoza
Cutoff: enter Daath after Asch leaves to chase Spinoza
Prerequisites: none

As the start and cutoff points tell you, DO NOT TAKE THE QUICK JUMP TO DAATH.
If you do, you will miss this sidequest.

This sidequest can take you around in several different orders, depending on
which city you go to first. I've listed one below; if you choose to go to a
different city first, make sure you wind up in Grand Chokmah at some point to
get the Dark Wings Badge.

Start with Fourth Monument Hill. Scene. Now head for Keterburg. Scene. Next,
Grand Chokmah, and dock at the harbor. One more scene, and York gives you the
Dark Wings Badge as a consolation prize. Head back to Fourth Monument Hill for
a final scene.

[WIB01] Where It All Began
Part 1/1
Location: Tataroo Valley
Start: enter Tataroo Valley for the second time
Cutoff: leave Tataroo Valley?
Prerequisites: none

Head for the flower meadow by the sea from the very beginning of the game for a
short scene.

[SRG01] Sorcerer's Ring
Part 1/2
Location: Tataroo Valley
Start: enter Tataroo Valley for the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Cross the river into new area of Tataroo Valley and go south and then east when
you can. Just after you turn east, there's a break in the bushes leading up to
a rather suspicious boulder with some vines against the wall. Hit it with Mieu
Attack and go on in. Head right until you see a cluster of fonons for a scene
and an upgrade to the Sorcerer's Ring: Mieu Wing. Use it around this area to
hit some switches and pick up a Knight Mace, a Life Bottle, and a Wing Bottle.
You can also use it to climb up onto certain tree limbs and get treasure

[MCF12] Master Chefs
Part 12/19
Location: Tataroo Valley
Start: take the vibration frequency measurement at the Sephiroth
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

Return to the flower meadow for a scene and the recipe for Cake.

[HRT04] Hyperresonance Training
Part 4/4
Location: Sheridan
Start: clear Tataroo Valley for the second time
Cutoff: ???
Prerequisites: complete part 3

Stay at the inn for the final training scene. Tear earns the title Big Sister.

[PRM01] Proud Maid
Part 1/1
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia gets the title Child of Lanvaldear
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

In the castle entrance hall, go through the door on the right. Go up the stairs
when you can, to the right again, and into Natalia's Chamber. Talk to the maid,
watch the ensuing scene, and Tear gains the Proud Maid costume title.

[AAB03] Arcane Arte Books
Part 3/6
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia gets the title Child of Lanvaldear
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Go to Fabre manor and talk to Susanne. Scene. Luke gets 40,000 Gald.

[APD01] A Princess's Duty
Part 1/1
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia gets the title Child of Lanvaldear
Cutoff: ???
Prerequisites: none

Go along the path to the right of the inn in the center of the city. Scene.

[CLM01] Coliseum
Part 1/1
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia gets the title Child of Lanvaldear
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

You can now fight in the Coliseum. It'll be easier as you get further on in the
game since your characters will grow stronger and you'll have better equipment.
It opens now, though, which is why I'm listing it here. By winning the Advanced
level of the Singles competition with a character, you'll get a title and a
weapon for him or her. Each character gets his or her best weapon as a reward
except for Jade, but he is the only one who gets a costume title out of it.

Luke: Sword of Swords / Soul Crush
Tear: Perfect Healer / Blue Crystal Rod
Jade: Battle Master / Dunamis
Anise: Devastating Cutie / Grand Cross
Guy: Golden Knight / Shakunage
Natalia: Coliseum Princess / Celestial Star

By completing the Beginner level of Singles with any character, you'll unlock
the Baticuloon mini-game. After unlocking it, you can practice at Miyagi Dojo
under the option "Mr. Miyagi's Secret Training."

You've probably fought 300 battles by now, so stop by Miyagi Dojo and pick up
the Sigmund Tactician title for Guy. If you don't get the scene, make sure
you've viewed all of Miyagi's tutorials and that you have fought 300 battles.

[MCF13] Master Chefs
Part 13/19
Location: Keterburg
Start: Natalia gets the title Child of Lanvaldear
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete the Easygoing Waitress and Proud Maid quests

Go back to the restaurant on the second floor of the Hotel in Keterburg. Set
Proud Maid as Tear's title and talk to the guy there for a scene. You'll now be
thrown into six rounds of the waitress mini-game. Get through it as best you
can for the Fruit Cocktail recipe. Again, if you want help with this, take a
look at the tutorial below.

The storyline will now send you to Grand Chokmah. If you sold your old
equipment during the war and haven't spent all the money, you may have enough
to purchase Tear's Pendant (100,000 Gald). If you have the money, talk to Raiz,
who's standing at the foot of the stairs inside the Shopping Center.

[CTW01] Catalyst Weapons
Part 1/6
Location: Daath
Start: meet Reiner in Daath
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Talk to Tritheim, then head for Keterburg. Go to Nephry's house and talk with
her. Next, go to Grand Chokmah and find Emperor Peony in his chamber. Jade is
Jade, Peony is Peony, and you get the Lost Celesti. Swing by Jade's Office in
the Malkuth Military Headquarters (go in, south, south again, and west) for one
more scene.

[AAB04] Arcane Arte Books
Part 4/6
Location: Yulia City
Start: meet Reiner in Daath
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 3

Remember that guy outside Tear's house? Back to Yulia City and buy the book for
40,000 Gald. Luke learns Lightning Blade.

[CAF02] Cecille and Frings
Part 2/5
Location: Kaitzur Naval Port
Start: peace conference in Yulia City
Cutoff: clear the Absorption Gate
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Enter the Kimlasca Base for a scene.

If you haven't gotten Natalia's Curious Princess title yet, now isn't a bad
time to do it. Check out the Cyllya's world map for the locations of Search
Points 1-6 if you haven't already hit them. To see the ones you've checked,
open your in-game world map and look at the "Other" tab. Search Points 1-4 and
6 are currently in the Qliphoth; Search Point 5 is still in the Outer Lands.
Din's Shop is on the northern side of Chesedonia, right by the entrance. Take a
look at the Din's Shop Guide for how to make items.

[DWK01] Dark Wings Key
Part 1/1
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: peace conference in Yulia City
Cutoff: clear the Absorption Gate
Prerequisites: none

Go onto the bridge west of the area with the harbor and shopping center for a
scene. Oh boy, the circus! After the scene, Noir gives you the Key of Darkness.

[GCW01] Grand Chokmah's Waterfall
Part 1/1
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: peace conference in Yulia City
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Go to the back of Peony's audience hall (behind the thrones) and examine the
waterfall for a scene.

[AAB05] Arcane Arte Books
Part 5/6
Location: Keterburg
Start: enter Keterburg for the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Go to the hotel and talk to the guy standing by the desk on the right side of
the first floor lobby. He wants 80,000 Gald for his book. Luckily for our
wallet, Luke's mother will gladly give him the money, so head to Baticul and
talk to her. Return to Keterburg and fork over the funds so Luke can learn Slag

[GYA07] Guy's Artes
Part 7/7
Location: Keterburg
Start: enter Keterburg for the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 6

Go to the northern part of the city where the kids are having a snowball fight.
There's an igloo on the left side of the plaza. Talk to the man inside for a
scene, the arte Soaring Light Spear for Guy, and the end of this sidequest.


[CAF03] Cecille and Frings
Part 3/5
Location: Baticul
Start: clear the Absorption Gate
Cutoff: Jade rejoins the party
Prerequisites: complete part 2

General Cecille is waiting in Baticul's port. Walk up to her to trigger a

[BBK01] Barrel Breaker
Part 1/1
Location: Sheridan
Start: Tear rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Head back to Sheridan and go right from the Meeting Hall. Make sure Mieu's
action is set to Mieu Attack, and then talk to the guy blocking the stairs. Pay
him 1,000 Gald to play a mini-game in which you use Mieu to break a bunch of
little barrels to get stuff. If you can break 18 or more within the time limit,
Luke will get the title Barrel Breaker.

If you're having trouble, go for the ones in the center and don't bother with
the ones farther out. With the little groups of barrels that are closer
together, you can hit more than one barrel in a row without even moving.

[MCR01] Monster Collector
Part 1/4
Location: Keterburg
Start: Tear rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: clear the game

On the third floor of the hotel, there's a Katz in one of the rooms. It's two
doors down from where the maid is standing. Talk to him for a scene. There are
three monsters you'll need to fight for this sidequest. I'll point them out as
we come to them. You can trigger this scene on your first playthrough, but
unfortunately you can't complete the sidequest until your second or later.

If you didn't already do part 1 of the Forbidden Spell sidequest (the one with
the spoiler warning), do so once Jade rejoins the party. In Grand Chokmah, head
over to the Malkuth Military Headquarters west of the palace. Go in, to the
south, up the stairs, and into the Briefing Room on the left. You'll find
Sesemann there. Talk to him for a scene and the Ancient Scroll.

[MCF14] Master Chefs
Part 14/19
Location: St. Binah
Start: Jade rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Go to the inn in St. Binah. There's a notebook on the bed in the back; examine
it to get the recipe for Onion Soup.

[LWM01] Lawman
Part 1/1
Location: Chesedonia
Start: Jade rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: make a level 3 item at Din's Shop

Enter Din's Shop for a scene. Jade gets the title "Lawman." Again, I'll refer
you to the Din's Shop Guide on GameFAQs for how to do this. I think it's pretty
doable in the Gels category: just give Din a lot of the items that give you
points in that category, and be sure to include the ones that will make you
level up. To meet the requirement, I gave an average payment of 2000 Gald and
got a Miracle Gel.

[MHR01] Mushroom Road
Part 1/1
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: enter Eldrant
Prerequisites: none

(Side note: if you're on a second or further playthrough and want to see the
Abyss Silver costume, leave this one until after you complete the Abyss Man
sidequest in Grand Chokmah.)

Enter Duke Fabre's Residence. Ramdas will meet you at the door. Watch the
ensuing scene, then leave the city. Be warned: where you're about to go, the
monsters are not easy. Take a look at your world map. See the river that cuts
through the Rugnican continent? That's where you need to go. You can get into
it by sea the channel between Rugica and the desert. You do have to be in the
river, not flying above it. Sail upstream until the river opens into a lake.
There's a shore with some large mushrooms in the northwest part of the lake.
Welcome to the Mushroom Road.

Someone very familiar has beaten us here. He gets the title Loving Son, and
you're off into the Mushroom Road. The annoying part is that you don't get Mieu
for this, so come back later and use him to hit the spore-spewing mushrooms to
get items and monsters to come out. Alternatively, you can leave the Mushroom
Road and come back in to take Luke and Mieu with you now. The instructions
below will take you directly to the Rugnican death caps. Feel free to explore
if you have Mieu right now; otherwise, there isn't much point in it.

From the start, go right. When the road forks, go north and then east through a
hollow log. When you come out, take the northernmost fork of the road. Follow
the path around and up on top of the purple mushrooms. When the path splits, go
north. Follow the path until it forks again. The northern path takes you to a
chest with a Miracle Gel; the southern path leads onward. Go through the hollow
log, south at the T-shaped intersection, and examine the purple mushroom in the
middle of the road. Congratulations, you have obtained a Rugnican death cap. If
you have Luke along, you can examine it for a two-line scene with Mieu.

Before you leave, be sure to get the Greater Flightstone (instructions below).
When you're done, return to Baticul and give the medicine to Susanne.

[UFS01] Upgraded Flightstones
Part 1/2
Location: World Map
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: start Mushroom Road sidequest

Near the end of the Mushroom Road, go north from the T-shaped fork near the
Rugnican death cap. There's an exit there that will take you onto the field.
Examine the search point outside to obtain the Greater Flightstone. 

[JWG02] Jewel of Gardios
Part 2/3
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Pere is in the entrance hall of Luke's manor again. Talk to him for a scene.

[HLS01] History Lessons
Part 1/2
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: return to the Absorption Gate
Prerequisites: none

In Fabre manor, go to Guy and Pere's room (north from the entrance hall).
Examine the desk on the left side of the room for a scene.

[BKR01] Berserker
Part 1/1
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: win 256 battles on Hard Mode

Enter the Coliseum and go up the stairs to the right. Head through the door to
get into the spectator's stands. There's a man standing on top of a round
pillar on the right side of the stairs. Go down and talk to him to get the
Berserker costume title for Luke.

[CAF04] Cecille and Frings
Part 4/5
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 3

General Cecille is once again in Baticul's port. Walk up to her to trigger the

[CTW02] Catalyst Weapons
Part 2/6
Location: St. Binah
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Speak with McGovern the Elder on the steps in the plaza. Next, go to the inn
and talk to McGovern the Younger. Step outside the city. August is not hard to
find. Tag him and return, and Glenn will give you Blood Pain.

[FBS02] Forbidden Spells
Part 2/11
Location: St. Binah
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Talk to Elder McGovern again for a scene and a rock.

[EVM01] Engeve's Monsters
Part 1/1
Location: Engeve
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Rose is standing outside of her house. Talk to her for a scene. Agree to help.
Talk to the grocer with the boxes of apples south of the path. He'll give you a
Gourmet Apple. Talk to Rose when you're ready to do battle. The battles are not
difficult in the slightest (I put the difficulty on Hard to start getting some
fights for the Berserker title racked up. Just remember to turn it off before
the next tough battle). They'll get harder as you go, but not by much. You'll
fight seven battles back to back, and you'll obtain Rose's Charm in return.

[FNS01] Fonic Sight
Part 1/2
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

In the area with the harbor, talk to Casim, the guy standing on the lower left,
for a scene.

[KBS01] Keterburg Spa
Part 1/3
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Enter the palace and go into Peony's chamber. A scene will stop you, then go on
into Peony's room for another. Uh oh, rappigs on the loose. They're all still
in the castle. Here's where you can find them:

- Look behind the stairs on the left side of the entrance hall.
- Enter the audience hall and look in the very back.
- From the audience hall, go right. Go right again and into a chamber.
- Go down the stairs from the above chamber and into the records room directly
  below it. The rappig is hiding by a chair.
- Leave the room to find the last rappig in the hall.

Return to Peony and he'll give you the Spa Membership. Jade gets the title
Emperor's Best Friend. While you're here, take a look at the rappig in the back
of Peony's room to find out its name. How nice of him, not running off with the

[AYM01] Abyss Man
Part 1/1
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: clear the game

In Peony's chamber (the room without the rappigs) talk to the maid standing in
front of the table. Oh, Peony... Costume titles for all!

Luke: Abyss Red
Tear: Abyss Black
Jade: Abyss Blue
Anise: Abyss Pink
Guy: Abyss Orange
Natalia: Abyss Green
Asch: Abyss Silver

[KBS02] Keterburg Spa
Part 2/3
Location: Katerburg
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

(Side note: If you've gotten the Greater Flightstone, you can now land right
outside of Keterburg on the snow. Handy.)

Go into the Hotel and walk up to the reception desk. Swimsuit costume titles,

Luke: Towel Boy
Tear: Rental Beauty
Jade: Resort King
Anise: Not a Kid
Guy: Aquatic Ape
Natalia: Tropical Butterfly

[KBS03] Keterburg Spa
Part 3/3
Location: Keterburg
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Talk to the receptionist on the right to use the spa again. Poor, poor Guy. He
gets the title Naughty Devil.

There are no more events in the spa, but whenever you use it from now on you'll
get healed for free. If you equip Guy's new title, you can enter the spa and
explore it for yourself.

[FBS03] Forbidden Spells
Part 3/11
Location: Keterburg
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

From the main entrance of Keterburg, go up to the statue of Karl III. Head for
the plaza and examine the back of the statue there.

[HLS02] History Lessons
Part 2/2
Location: Yulia City
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: return to the Absorption Gate
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Examine the bookshelf in behind the counter with the character disc reader
thing to see the scene. If you're interested in more history of Yulia City, you
can read the book hidden under the nightstand on the left side of the same

[GDS01] Good Spirits
Part 1/1
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete the Keterburg Spa sidequest

In the area with the harbor, walk up to the tree next to the bar. You have to
come from the right side close to the building to trigger the scene. After the
scene, go to Keterburg Bay for another. Finally, go to Chesedonia and enter the
bar that straddles the border. Talk to the bartender. Guy gets the costume
title Good Spirits.

[FBS04] Forbidden Spells
Part 4/11
Location: Chesedonia
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

On the northern (Malkuth) side of Chesedonia, enter the inn past the vendors on
the left. Go into the center room on the top floor and examine the chest of
drawers on the right for another forbidden verse stone.

[FBS05] Forbidden Spells
Part 5/11
Location: Kaitzur Naval Port
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Enter the naval port from the field for a scene and a forbidden verse stone.

[RPR01] Replica Research
Part 1/1
Location: Belkend
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

In Fon Machine Lab I, go north, north, east into the Replica Laboratory, north,
and west. View the scene.

[FBS06] Forbidden Spells
Part 6/11
Location: Belkend
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

From the above location, go back south one room. (From the entrance to Fon
Machine Lab I, go north, north, and east into the Replica Laboratory.) There's
a little gate in the southwest section of the railing that will swing open if
you examine it. Find the forbidden verse stone on the floor next to the blue
box across from the big yellow thing.

[RKT01] Rocket Tower
Part 1/1
Location: Sheridan
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Enter the northeast part of Sheridan and follow the metal walkway next to the
Music Box House. Enter the building and climb to the top. Talk to the man there
for a scene.

[CNE02] Contamination Effect
Part 2/4
Location: Sheridan
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Talk to the cheagle in the meeting hall for a scene. Hey look, a free stay at
the inn.

[FBS07] Forbidden Spells
Part 7/11
Location: Sheridan
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete parts 2-6

Go to the northwest part of Sheridan. There's a scene, and Jade learns


[CBK02] Collector's Book
Part 2/2
Location: Daath
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: clear the game, complete the Collector's Book

If you've managed to fill the Collector's Book, head to the inn in Daath for a
scene and the title Item Collector for Jade.

[NA.02] Natalia's Artes
Part 2/2
Location: Daath Bay
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Enter Daath Bay to find Nick again. Natalia learns Healing Force.

[LBM02] Labyrinth Mansion
Part 2/3
Location: Keterburg
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: complete part 1

I'm pretty sure this can be done earlier, but you're more likely to have the
Gald for it now. Find the man from last time -- standing outside the large
house on the east side of Keterburg -- and talk to him. He wants 200,000 Gald.
It's expensive, but pay up. Ouch.

[SRG02] Sorcerer's Ring
Part 2/2
Location: Keterburg
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1 and complete the King's Portrait quest

Find our old friends Shiba and Peko on the left side of Keterburg in front of
the inn, by the pavilion with the treasure chest on top (incidentally, you can
get that treasure chest by going to the plaza where the kids are having a
snowball fight and whacking the snowball machine on the right with Mieu
Attack). Watch the scene. You'll wind up in Mt. Zaleho. Well, there goes the

Go down into the volcano. Looks a little different now, huh? You can take the
paths that were once blocked by lava to get some treasure. While you're here,
be sure to pick up the music disc (instructions below).

Find the area where you were avoiding the dragon's fireballs. A little after
the path starts to slope upward around the area, there's a fork in the road.
It's a little hard to see -- keep to the outside of the curve and you'll find
it. Go down and run up the slope to the north. Follow the path to... fonons!
Congratulations, you now have Mieu Fire 2. Use it to light the torches. The one
on the left connects to the passage ring area; the one on the right leads to a
Special Gel and Flamberge.

You can also get the moving torches near the door to the passage ring now. You
have to time it carefully to hit all three -- try to get it as the first one is
moving into the middle. You get a Carmine Chamber for your trouble.

[MBH05] Music Box House
Part 5/8
Location: Mt. Zaleho
Start: enter Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Head toward the place where you fought the dragon in Mt. Zaleho. There's a
Y-shaped fork in the road that's covered by lava between that place and the
Wing Bottle save point. Take the fork that goes toward the dragon's spot. It
splits; take the one that used to lead into some non-receding lava to a
treasure chest with the Silver and White music disc.

[LBM03] Labyrinth Mansion
Part 3/3
Location: Keterburg
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2, complete Sorcerer's Ring quest

Return to the mansion and talk to the man again. Talk to the person in front of
the door to challenge the Labyrinth Mansion. Running into enemies or spikes
will freeze you for a few seconds. You can hit the enemies with Mieu Fire and
avoid damage on the spikes by walking across them, and killing certain enemies
will restore lost HP. The boxes that can't be moved can be destroyed with Mieu
Attack, and you can use Mieu Wing to hit the patterned floor switches. Play it
as Natalia and beat level five to earn the title Labyrinth Princess for her.

[MCF15] Master Chefs
Part 15/19
Location: Keterburg
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2 of the Labyrinth Mansion sidequest

Clear level five of the Labyrinth Mansion with any character to get the recipe
for Toast.

[UFS02] Upgraded Flightstones
Part 2/2
Location: Mt. Roneal
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1, complete the Sorcerer's Ring quest

To start, open up your world map and take a look at Sylvana (Keterburg's
continent). See the place on the southwest side that's cut off from the rest of
the continent? That's where you want to go. Technically, you can do this
sidequest without completing part 1, but that'll let us land right there
instead of going all the way through Mt. Roneal again. Land in the northwest
part of the area and go into Mt. Roneal via the entrance there.

Explore the area. You can use Mieu Wing to get some treasure chests, but don't
bother with the far right tree just yet. If you go to the left of the area, you
can get into the river to grab the Vorpal Sword. When you're ready, head up
through the passage on the northwest side of the area. You want to arrange the
moveable torch things so that they line up with the ones on the pillars on
either side of the path. The center torch of each group should be on uniquely
patterned tile. You should end up with three diagonal lines of torches. The
farthest one along slants from top right to bottom left, as does the one
closest to the entrance. The middle group slants from top left to bottom right.

When that's set up, leave the way you came. Use Mieu Wing on the far right tree
we skipped earlier and go into the cave. Grab the 15,000 Gald chest and light
the torch with Mieu Fire. Go through the now opened door and melt the snow at
the bottom of the screen to get a Wind Cape. Go through the door on the other
side of the entrance you just came through. Use Mieu Fire to light both torches
in one shot. Take the Red Lavender from the chest and go through the new door.

More torches! This time you'll need to stand off to the side, fire through one
torch, bounce off the blue crystal, and hit the other torch. It takes a little
practice, but it's doable if you stand about Luke's height or so both down and
to the outside from a torch. When that's done, go through the new door, up the
stairs and around, and pull the blue crystal onto the patterned tile. That
done, go all the way back to the field.

Take the Albiore and head to the east side of the same area of the continent.
There's another entrance to Mt. Roneal there. Enter, grab the 7,800 Gald, and
head straight through the area, ignoring the other little paths, and into the
next room. Turn left when you reach the circular intersection. There are two
paths in the next area; take the one closer to the bottom of the screen. Push
the blue crystal onto the patterned tile, and everything should be in place. Go
back and take the upper path. Position yourself on the patterned tile, aim, and
light all the torches at once with Mieu Fire. Again, it may take a few tries. I
got it positioned in the upper right corner of the patterned tile.

All the way back to the Albiore now. Climb aboard and return to the entrance we
were at before in the northwest part of this area. Enter the cave again. Push
the torches out of the way and go through the door that just opened. To the
field! It makes me happy how all the field monsters here look like the field
monsters in Symphonia. Anyway, once you're outside, head northeast. When you
can't go any further, turn east and go up onto the cliff. Follow the mountains
east southeast, and go up another cliff. Examine the search point to the
southwest to finally obtain the Refined Flightstone. If only it could also
summon the Albiore here... oh well.

While you're flying around, find all the search points. You can do this later,
but doing it now will help you get a title soon. Cyllya's world map is
extremely helpful for this.

[MCR02] Monster Collector
Part 2/4
Location: Zao Desert
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1, complete the Upgraded Flightstones quest

Use the Refined Flightstone to fly into the sandstorm in the north part of the
Zao Desert. Land inside it and run around until you encounter a large monster
that looks like a gigantic worm thing jumping out of the sand. This is the Sand
Worm. Defeat it to get the Gae Bolg, one of the items our Katz friend is
looking for.

[AVP01] Adventurous Princess
Part 1/1
Location: Chesedonia
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: find all 29 Search Points

Yes, this includes the 18 listed ones, the seeds, the flightstones, and the
All-Purpose Knife. Set Natalia's title as Curious Princess and make her your
onscreen character. Talk to Din for a scene and the costume title Adventurous

[NCI01] Nam Cobanda Isle
Part 1/1
Location: World Map
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete the Upgraded Flightstones quest

Take out your world map and find Radessia (the continent Sheridan is on). Note
the peninsula that sticks out on the north side. That's where you want to head.
Explosions and whirlpools block your way, but there's a cave behind those
whirlpools. Back up, land in the sea, and charge full speed ahead to get in. If
you back into the next continent over, you should be able to get in. There are
lots of fun things to explore here.

Go up the ladder and out the door at the bottom of the screen. Watch the scene.
Head right until you see a blue section. There's a guy standing by a door. Go
inside and through the door in the back. Walk forward for a scene. You can now
use the elevator, but there's more to do here first. While you're in the room,
pick up the music disc (instructions below). Leave via the room's middle exit
for one more scene. Luke gains the title Noble Rogue.

(Side note: You may need to complete the Chasing Spinoza quest and/or the Key
of Darkness quest in order to get some of these scenes, but I'm not sure.)

[MBH06] Music Box House
Part 6/8
Location: Nam Cobanda Isle
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: enter Nam Cobanda Isle

In the monitoring room, talk to the Katz on the far left to get the music disc

[ACV01] Anime Cutscene Viewer
Part 1/1
Location: Nam Cobanda Isle
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete the Nam Cobanda Isle quest

On the right side of the monitoring room, there's a boy who will let you
rewatch the game's animated cutscenes.

[SMK01] Star of Malkuth
Part 1/2
Location: Nam Cobanda Isle
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: enter Nam Cobanda Isle

Through the hallway left of where you came in, find Elion the Kowz in a green
area. Talk to him for a scene. Leave Nam Cobanda and head for Yulia City. Once
there, go to the room below the conference room where we did a fonic hymn
sidequest after Luke cut his hair. You'll find Yutan there. Walk up to him for
a scene. Next, enter Baticul Port. Talk to Miska, who's standing to the left of
where you come in from the sea. We'll come back to this one in a minute.
There's more to do while we're in Baticul.

[CTW03] Catalyst Weapons
Part 3/6
Location: Abandoned Factory
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1, complete the Sorcerer's Ring quest

Take the aircar into the Abandoned Factory. Bypass the first ladder and climb
the second. Climb up another one and head right when you can. There's a ladder
above your head. Use Mieu Wing to reach it. Run to the end of the pipe and hit
the switch across the way with Mieu Fire 2. Leave the way you came in. Take the
other aircar (the one we just moved via that switch) into the factory. Take the
catwalk in the rear right corner to the ladder and climb on up. The two chests
contain a Sunlight Chamber and Holy Quelquatl, the next catalyst weapon.

[MCR03] Monster Collector
Part 3/4
Location: Inista Marsh
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1, complete the Upgraded Flightstones quest

Enter Inista Marsh and find the Behemoth. You can now get experience and Gald
from it, which wasn't available when the storyline went through the marsh.
Defeat it to get the Golden Helm, the next item for the Katz.

[SMK02] Star of Malkuth
Part 2/2
Location: Engeve
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Now go to Engeve and toward Rose's house for another scene. Go to the Cheagle
Woods as directed, and you'll wind up in Engeve after the scene. Return to
Baticul Port and talk to Miska. You'll be taken to Nam Cobanda Isle, and
Natalia will get the costume title Star of Malkuth.

[CKC01] Cat Cat Kitty Cat
Part 1/1
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: enter Nam Cobanda Isle

Go left some more from the Kowz area until you see an Ant Lion Man (the
leftmost section of this area). Go up to him for a scene. Answer his question
and watch. You'll lose a fair bit of Gald -- 76,500 -- but in exchange get the
costume title Cat Cat Kitty Cat for Anise no matter which option you chose.

[DGB01] Dragon Buster
Part 1/1
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: enter Nam Cobanda Isle, complete the Star of Malkuth quest

Talk to Elion, who's now behind the counter in his little area. He wants a
giant fish bone, which is a trade item found in Search Points 3 and 8. (Equip
the Curious Princess title on  Natalia and check Search Point 3 for a better
chance of getting one.) Hand it over, then go two sections to the left and talk
to Elion behind that counter. He'll give Luke the Mors Draconis, which enables
you to play Tales of Dragon Buster.

I'm not extremely well acquainted with how the game works, but I know there are
maps of the levels available online. To get the princess ending, collect the
two rods or two circlets or both along the way and beat the dragon at the end.
If you pick up one of a pair (say, a sword) while holding the other (say, a
rod), you'll lose the one you already had. If you clear the mini-game and get
the princess ending, you'll get the costume title Dragon Buster for Luke. If
you're on a second or later playthrough, you'll also get the costume title
Dragon Buster?.

[BSM02] Blacksmith
Part 2/3
Location: Sheridan
Start: Natalia rejoins the party
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1, complete part 1 of Upgraded Flightstones

Talk to the guy in the room on the left side of the Weapons/Item shop. This
time, he wants Copper Ore, Silver Ore, and Gold Ore. Equipping Natalia's Star
of Malkuth title will make finding them a lot easier. They can be found here:

Copper Ore: Search Point 6 (see the world map on GameFAQs)
Silver Ore: Search Point 16
Gold Ore: Search Point 14

Return to Sheridan and talk to the guy again. This time, you'll get one of the
following for completing the mini-game:

Staff: Knight Mace
Spear: Crescent
Light Armor: Light Guard

[CGR01] Cheagle Rescue
Part 1/1
Location: Ortion Cavern
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete the Sorcerer's Ring and Upgraded Flightstones quests

Ortion Cavern has a second entrance east of the one the storyline takes you to.
It's blocked by a whirlpool, so back up and use your Refined Flightstone to
charge on in. Shoot Mieu Fire up the conveyor belt to hit the switch on the
right, and you'll be able to enter. Bounce Mieu Fire off the different colored
rock on the wall to your left to hit the next switch. Go left at the fork and
use the rock to bounce Mieu Fire up and activate the switch above you for a
chest with a Specific inside. Continue into the cave.

Go forward for a scene. Hit the switch across the way with Mieu Fire to free
the cheagle. Collect a Wing Bottle and a Nectar Bottle from the chests nearby,
and then use the reflective rock on the wall to bounce Mieu Fire into the next
switch. Head right.

The switch in this area is too high to just point and shoot, but thankfully the
reflective rock on the wall to the right will do the trick. Hit it and move on.
In the next area, you'll have to bounce Mieu Fire off the rock on the left,
into the rock on the right, and into the switch.

At the next fork, head right. Pick up the Red Chamomile and Cowboy Hat from the
chests by the save point. Use Mieu Fire to free the cheagle across the ravine.
He's stuck, so go back to the fork and turn left for a scene. Aim Mieu Fire at
the first torch on the right. Bounce it off the reflective walls, through the
other torches, and into the switch. The machine will clear a path for a
cheagle, and you'll be introduced to six Ogre Replicas. If you run into them,
you'll face all six back to back. They're more difficult than the other
monsters in the area, but not terrible.

We're done here, so depart and make your way to the Cheagle Woods. You can use
Mieu Fire 2 to pick up some Gald here if you like (cross the river on the
fallen tree and go right at the fork). Meet the Cheagle Elder in the cheagles'
big tree to get the Holy Seal and Dark Seal.

[BSM03] Blacksmith
Part 3/3
Location: Sheridan
Start: clear Mt. Zaleho the second time
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Talk to the guy in the room on the left side of the Weapons/Item shop again.
This time, he needs Libavius Ore, Sacred Tree, and Naevimetal. Equipping the
Natalia's Labyrinth Princess title will help you get the first two, and
Adventurous Princess will help with the last one. They can be found here:

Libavius Ore: Search Point 16
Sacred Tree: Search Point 11
Naevimetal: Search Point 6

If you have the Adventurous Princess title, you should have already found all
the Search Points, so you can just open your world map and it'll show you right
where they are. You can even jump right to them with the autopilot function.
Got everything? Return to Sheridan. Two of the items this time, the sword and
the armor, are unique to the sidequest, so if you're going for collector's book
completion, you'll want to choose one this playthrough and the other the next.
I think the armor is the better of the two, so I chose the sword the first time
and the armor the second, but it's up to you how you'd like to do it.

Sword: Full Metal Edge
Bow: Full Metal Fang
Armor: Golden Armor

[SWD03] Sword Dancer
Part 3/3
Location: Isle of Feres
Start: clear the Isle of Feres
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

You'll find a sword outside of the large mansion in the deepest part of the
Isle of Feres. (You may need to go into the mansion and back out to get it to
appear if you want to do this directly after viewing the scene there.
Coincidentally, if you go up the stairs inside, you can climb a ladder to the
roof and pick up some Persian Boots and an Hourglass.) Examine the sword to
take on the final Sword Dancer fight. If you like Sunlight Chambers, you can
steal one from him. Defeat him to get Ultimatus.

[FNS02] Fonic Sight
Part 2/2
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: clear the Isle of Feres
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Go to the area with the harbor in Grand Chokmah and head left toward the
palace. You should run into a scene. Afterwards, Jade will gain the Soft Meanie

[HWK01] Hard Worker
Part 1/1
Location: Engeve
Start: clear the Isle of Feres
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

On the west side of Engeve, talk to the guy hoeing a small field. Go east then
and up the path through the market area on the left of Rose's house. It'll take
you behind her house. Go into the door there to enter the storage shed. Talk to
the person there. If you already have Natalia's Adventurous Princess title,
you'll have already gotten all the seeds. If not, they're located in various
search points around the world. Check out Cyllya's world map for their
locations. When you have them all, talk to the man in the storage shed and then
return to the guy working in the field. Guy will earn the title Hard Worker.

[SMP01] Stone Monument Pilgrimage
Part 1/1
Location: Daath
Start: clear the Isle of Feres
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Go up the stairs toward Daath's cathedral, but just before you get to the top,
turn right instead and walk up to the monument there. Watch the scene and make
your choice. If you don't already have the Grown-Up Child title for Anise, you
can get it now by choosing her.

[FNI01] Financial Investor
Part 1/1
Location: Sheridan
Start: clear the Isle of Feres
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Talk to Aston in the meeting hall. He needs a total of one million Gald. Pay
what you can when you can. (I used the game notes function on my 3DS to keep
track of how much I'd paid. If you're playing the PS2 version, it might not be
a bad idea to keep a piece of paper in the game case or something.) When you
complete the payments, you'll need to rest at the inn five times to see the
bridge completed and gain the Financial Investor title for Luke.

[MCT01] Miscellaneous Titles
Part 1/1
Location: Chesedonia
Start: clear the Isle of Feres
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete the Ant Lion Man, Yulia City Items, Engeve's Monsters, 
   Hard Worker, and Financial Investor quests

Head to Chesedonia and speak to Astor. This opens up some opportunities to get
a title for each character. You can find them at the places listed below.

Baticul: Walk up to the Inn to get Natalia's costume title Beloved Princess.
Don't get too excited, though -- that's the only costume title of the bunch.
After that, go on up to Duke Fabre's manor and speak with Susanne in her
chamber to get the title Vagabond Son for Luke.

Sheridan: In the northern part of the city, go up to the telescope below the
Rocket Tower to get Guy's Fontech Scholar title.

Fourth Monument Hill: Head up the hill toward Daath to pick up the Mini Maven
title for Anise.

Yulia City: Go toward the place across from Tear's room where the person we
gave the items to used to be. There's a staircase hidden in the rear right
corner of the area. Go down and speak with the person there to get Tear's title
Flower of the Qliphoth.

Keterburg: Talk to Nephry in her house to get the title Gambler at Heart for


[TFH02] Tear's Fonic Hymns
Part 2/2
Location: Daath
Start: Luke talks to Shu in Belkend
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Go to Ion's room to trigger a scene. Tear will learn Judgement at the end of

[CAF05] Cecille and Frings
Part 5/5
Location: Tower of Rem
Start: Luke talks to Shu in Belkend
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 4

Go into the tower for the final scene of this sidequest and Guy's Dashing Gent
costume title. You'll end up in Baticul.

[JWG03] Jewel of Gardios
Part 3/3
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia rejoins the party in Baticul
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Go to the entrance hall of the Fabre manor and speak with Duke Fabre there.
You'll obtain the Jewel of Gardios during the scene.

[VCT01] Viscount
Part 1/1
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia rejoins the party in Baticul
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

Talk to Ramdas in the entrance hall of Duke Fabre's manor. In the scene, Luke
gets the costume title Viscount.

[LGP01] Largo's Past
Part 1/2
Location: Baticul
Start: Natalia rejoins the party in Baticul
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

Stop by King Ingobert's room and talk to him. Next stop, Chesedonia. Enter
Astor's manor and go through one of the doors to the left to meet Natalia's

[DRM01] Doctor Mambo
Part 1/1
Location: Belkend
Start: Natalia rejoins the party in Baticul
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

Make your way to Fon Machine Lab I and go inside, north, north, and west.
Eventually, you'll be given a choice. You can pick whomever you like. If you
want a skit thrown in a little while afterwards as a bonus, choose Luke, Tear,
Anise, or Guy. The skits are different for each character. At the end of the
scene, Jade will get the Doctor Mambo costume title.

[RFN01] Reflection
Part 1/1
Location: Yulia City
Start: Natalia rejoins the party in Baticul
Cutoff: none?
Prerequisites: none

Go to the selenia garden behind Tear's room for a scene.

[LGP02] Largo's Past
Part 2/2
Location: Absorption Gate
Start: clear the Absorption Gate the second time
Cutoff: leave the Absorption Gate
Prerequisites: complete part 1

If you've completed part 1, you'll run into this one automatically. Just
attempt to leave the Absorption Gate for the field and the scene will

[MCF16] Master Chefs
Part 16/19
Location: Daath
Start: meet Florian in Daath
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: have the All-Purpose Knife

Go into Ion's bedroom and talk to Florian. Watch and learn the recipe for Stew.

[MCF17] Master Chefs
Part 17/19
Location: Baticul
Start: meet Florian in Daath
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: have a few recipes mastered with one character

Swing by the Fabre manor in Baticul and talk to Ramdas. Choose the character
who has a few recipes mastered. You'll get the Miso Stew recipe at the end.

[MCF18] Master Chefs
Part 18/19
Location: Keterburg
Start: meet Florian in Daath
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete parts 1-16 and the Ant Lion Man quest

If you have a character who has mastered all 20 recipes, head to Keterburg and
talk to Bernal on the second floor of the hotel. He'll award the master chef
with a title.

Luke: Cook
Tear: Grand Chef
Jade: Experimental Chef
Anise: Little Big Chef
Guy: Cool Chef
Natalia: Calamity Chef

[ALN04] Ant Lion Man
Part 4/6
Location: Chesedonia
Start: clear the Radiation Gate
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 3

Our Ant Lion friend has been wanting a Striped Ribbon since before the peace
treaty in Yulia City, and now we can finally give it to him. Pick one up at the
shop by the entrance to his alleyway (the one run by the guy polishing the jar)
and give it to him along with Beef and Chicken. You'll get a Holy Ring and a
Spirit Ring in exchange.

[ALN05] Ant Lion Man
Part 5/6
Location: Chesedonia
Start: clear the Radiation Gate
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 4

Talk to the Ant Lion Man one more time to get the recipe for Gratin.

[ALN06] Ant Lion Man
Part 6/6
Location: Nam Cobanda Isle
Start: clear the Radiation Gate
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 5

On the side of Nam Cobanda Isle with the Kowz and the Dragon Buster game, enter
the area on the far left where we met the Ant Lion Man before. There's now one
behind the counter. Talk to him. Fork over 150,000 Gald to get an Apple Gel, a
Magic Lens, an Apple, Beef, Chicken, and the Ant Lion Man doll for Anise, which
finally lets this sidequest prove its worth.

[FBS08] Forbidden Spells
Part 8/11
Location: Radiation Gate
Start: strategy meeting in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete parts 2-6

Return to the Radiation Gate, and Jade will learn Prism Sword.

[CTW04] Catalyst Weapons
Part 4/6
Location: Daath
Start: strategy meeting in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Enter the cathedral to see Florian run by. Go east and take the yellow fonic
glyph to find him and obtain the Heart of Chaos.

[LDV01] Little Devil
Part 1/1
Location: Daath
Start: strategy meeting in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Florian will run up to you in the entrance hall of the cathedral. After the
event, Anise will get the Little Devil costume title.

[FBS09] Forbidden Spells
Part 9/11
Location: Daath
Start: strategy meeting in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Head on up to Ion's room and talk to Florian for the next forbidden verse

[AAB06] Arcane Arte Books
Part 6/6
Location: Daath
Start: strategy meeting in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1

Make your way to the library with the hidden passage to the Sephiroth (from the
entrance hall, go through the room with the fonic glyphs, up the stairs,
through the northeast door, and straight east until you get there). Talk to the
person by the window at the northern end of the room. Leave and talk to Susanne
in Baticul. Take the 150,000 Gald she gives you back to Daath and purchase the
book so Luke can learn Sonic Blast.

[FBS10] Forbidden Spells
Part 10/11
Location: Yulia City
Start: strategy meeting in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

In the lower level Yulia City's main facility, look on the right side north of
the save point. It's to the right of the door that leads to the room under the
conference room. There's a small object that you can examine on the structure
to the right. Take a look at it to obtain the next forbidden verse stone.

[CNE03] Contamination Effect
Part 3/4
Location: Belkend
Start: strategy meeting in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 2

Enter Fon Machine Lab I and find Spinoza (from the entrance, north and then
west). Talk to him for a scene.

[FBS11] Forbidden Spells
Part 11/11
Location: Fubras River
Start: strategy meeting in Grand Chokmah
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete parts 2-10

Enter the Fubras River from the north. Jade learns Meteor Storm, the final
forbidden arte.

[MBH07] Music Box House
Part 7/8
Location: Chesedonia
Start: enter Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete parts 1-6

On the north side of Chesedonia, go toward the merchants and the inn and speak
with the clapping woman behind the counter. Pick up Finale, the last music
disc, from her.

[HDR01] Hopeless Dreamer
Part 1/1
Location: Sheridan
Start: enter Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: enter Nam Cobanda Isle

Enter Sheridan and head toward the meeting hall. The scene will stop you. At
the end, Guy will obtain the Hopeless Dreamer costume title.

[MBH08] Music Box House
Part 8/8
Location: Chesedonia
Start: enter Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete parts 1-7

Return to the Music Box House and talk to Ishtar for Tear's Servant of Melodies

[CTW05] Catalyst Weapons
Part 5/6
Location: Eldrant
Start: Luke obtains the title Swordsman of Lorelei
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 1, complete the Sorcerer's Ring quest

This one's a bit lengthy and kind of confusing, so bear with me here, and I'll
try to walk you through it to the best of my ability. Ready? Here we go.

Start by going into the building right ahead of the area with the stairs where
Luke got the Swordsman of Lorelei title. Head up the first set of stairs. See
those spinny orb things? You'll find them throughout the area, and you can use
Mieu Fire, Attack, and Wing to hit them and get treasure (the first one, for
example, will net you a nice capacity core. If you turn the block below the
other one and bounce Mieu Fire off of it, you'll open a door for some Fonic
Gloves later). When you're ready, go up the second set and through the door on
the left.

Down the stairs and into a room with a ton of ladders. The pillars have yellow
glyphs on them; hitting them with Mieu Attack will knock the pillars over. Hit
the pillar at the foot of the stairs from the right, and it will fall to the
left. Whack the other pillar from the bottom so that it falls up and lands
perpendicular to the other one. Leave the room via the doorway to the north.

Note the two enemies on the main floor of this room. By killing them (as in
hitting the final blow) with a light elemental arte or a dark elemental rate,
you can get a Light Fonstone and a Shadow Fonstone respectively. You'll need
one of each. To ensure that it works, control the casters manually (Tear and
Anise have several light and dark artes for this) and set the other characters
to guarding via the battle commands if you have to. I let them weaken the
enemies first to speed things up a little before I told them to guard.

Got them? Go up to the passage ring looking thing and use the Light Fonstone.
Good ol' gravity. Head up the stairs to the south and into the room we were
just in. The game will point out a switch -- DON'T STEP ON IT YET, as it will
resent the room. If you do by accident, go back and get another Light Fonstone
and turn the room again. For now, go right and up the ladder in the left
corner. Hit the spinny orb with Mieu Wing and head back down. If you want to
get a Fonic Sword, climb the other ladder now and cross the switch. Continue
along, grab the chest, hit the switch on the way back, and climb down the
ladder to get back to where we were. Step on the switch I had you skip earlier
to turn the room again.

Climb the ladder to the left of the doorway. Hit the orb with Mieu Wing if you
want a Special Gel and then continue through the door we just opened. If you
opened the door to get the Fonic Gloves, follow the path all the way right and
out to get them from a treasure chest. If not, or after that, head over to the
passage ring looking thing in the center of the room. We're now directly above
where we used the Light Fonstone before. Use your Shadow Fonstone up here to
turn the room the opposite way. Head south into another room.

There are two blocks up the little staircase and on the left. Rotate them each
once so that the slanted sides face each other (they should form a V shape).
Step on the switch in the floor (back to the right and south) to rotate the
room back to normal. We've been here before. Climb the large staircase and
stand on the purple glyph on the floor between the two spinny orbs. Note the
two blocks on the wall. There the ones we just rotated. Aim Mieu Fire at them.
Fire, switch to Mieu Wing, and Wing up between the two orbs before the fire
bounces back, which will stop the fire between the two orbs (if the fire hits
the second orb, the switch will reset). This may take a little practice. When
you get it, a door down below will open. Head down the stairs and go through
the door. We made it. Walk forward for a scene. When it's over, examine the
weapon in front of you to obtain the Unicorn Horn, the final catalyst weapon.
If you have them all, you'll get another scene. And if you want, there's a
Treat in a chest off to your left.

Technically speaking, you can head off to the next part of this quest right
now, but I recommend heading a little further into Eldrant first so you can get
all the following sidequests in one run without having to run in and out of
Eldrant all the time. Go back to the room with the passage ring looking machine
and go up the stairs. There's a Wing Bottle save point there, but before you
wing it back to the entrance, go up the stairs enough to trigger a scene we'll
call the point of no return. If you go up the stairs after that scene, you'll
hit the final boss, so save and head out instead if you'd like to do some more

[LNC01] Locrian Colonel
Part 1/1
Location: Yulia City
Start: reach the point of no return in Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete the Hyperresonance Training quest

Go to the selenia garden behind Tear's room for a scene and Tear's costume
title Locrian Colonel.

[FBO01] Final Battle Outfits
Part 1/1
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: reach the point of no return in Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: none

Go into the audience hall in the palace. Costume titles for everyone!

Luke: Wild Saber
Tear: Cool Chick
Jade: Evil Fonist?
Anise: Childish
Guy: Blade Master
Natalia: Imperial Will

[MCF19] Master Chefs
Part 19/19
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: reach the point of no return in Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete parts 1-16 and part 17 with Anise, have the All-Purpose
   Knife and Magical Pouch

Equip Anise's Little Big Chef title. Enter the Malkuth Military Headquarters
and speak with Sesemann in the conference room to get the title Grand Master
Chef for Anise.

(Note: You can obtain the All-Purpose Knife from an unlisted search point. If
you've already gotten Natalia's Adventurous Princess title, you should have it
already. The Magical Pouch comes during the story -- when you have to split the
party during the war, you have to avoid getting into many fights with Jade's
group in order to get it.)

[CTW06] Catalyst Weapons
Part 6/6
Location: Nebilim's Crag
Start: reach the point of no return in Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete parts 1-5, complete the Upgraded Flightstones quest

Get ready, because there's a big fight coming up, and saying it isn't easy is
the understatement of the century. Stock up on healing items. Picking up some
Treats and Specifics at the Desert Oasis isn't a bad idea. When you're ready,
head to the northwestern part of Sylvana, the continent Keterburg is on. You're
going north and slightly west of Search Point 15. Break into the blizzard with
the Albiore and land. There's a mountain in the northwestern corner of the area
that looks like it's cracked in half. That's where we're headed. Land, save,
and if you're ready, head on in.

(Side note: If you want to get the Tactical Leader costume title for Luke,
you'll have to defeat her on Very Hard or Unknown mode, and she's bad enough
normally. You won't be able to do this on a first playthrough.)

Walk forward. Scene. Battle. MAKE SURE you steal the Tutti capacity core from
her, as it's the best one in the game. I'm no expert on battle strategy, and
I'm sure others have more involved plans, but here's what advice I can give:
she'll occasionally move toward the person she's targeting. When she does,
pause, switch to that character, and get out of there. Free Run is a beautiful
thing. When she uses the Big Bang mystic arte, there's enough time to pull of a
Guardian or Magic Block to stop it from more or less murdering at least the
character you're controlling. Use healing items freely and stick with it.
You'll get there. If all else fails, leave it for a bit and level up before
coming back. I think my characters were in the upper sixties level-wise when I
beat her.

When the battle is over, view the ensuing scene and then head for Grand
Chokmah. Talk to Emperor Peony in his chambers. Leave the palace and watch.
You'll end up in the Military HQ. Depart for Daath and find Tritheim in the
chapel to bring this quest to a close.

From here on out, the catalyst weapons will deal damage according to how many
enemies each character has killed (if a character has killed a larger number of
enemies, his or her catalyst weapon will get stronger). The maximum amount of
damage they can deal is 9999.

[TCL01] Tactical Leader
Part 1/1
Location: Baticul
Start: reach the point of no return in Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete the Catalyst Weapons quest and defeat its boss on Very
   Hard or Unknown mode

Talk to Pere in Duke Fabre's manor to obtain the Tactical Leader costume title
for Luke.

[CNE04] Contamination Effect
Part 4/4
Location: Grand Chokmah
Start: reach the point of no return in Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: complete part 3, complete the Catalyst Weapons quest

Go into the Malkuth Military Headquarters for the final scene of this

[ARF01] Abyss Replica Facility
Part 1/1
Location: Sheridan
Start: reach the point of no return in Eldrant
Cutoff: none
Prerequisites: clear the game, complete the King's Portrait, Upgraded
   Flightstones, Sorcerer's Ring, and Cheagle Rescue quests

Head for Sheridan and go to the northwest area (near the Albiore's garage).
There are two people by the ladder in the back of the area; approach them for a
scene. Go to the meeting hall to find Shiba and Peko. Talk to Shiba, and when
you're ready, speak with him again to be taken into Ortion Cavern. (Once you
get there and see the scene, note the bridge to the right. If you cross it,
there's an exit that'll let you go in and out of the cavern right by this

The basic premise of this place is that you want to destroy all the fomicry
machines with Mieu Attack. Shiba will dig holes into new rooms for you, but
you'll have to pay him. The more you pay him, the less energy he loses per
opening. Luckily, there are some rooms with pools of water that will heal your
party and replenish Shiba's energy bar, which is shown on your screen along
with your Gald and the number of machines you've destroyed. If you want to
leave or change the amount you're paying Shiba, just talk to him.

There's a nice map of this place on GameFAQs, which I highly recommend using.
I'm hoping to eventually include a walkthrough for this place, but for now, I'm
sure the rest of the Internet can be of more help to you than I can right now.

[MCR04] Monster Collector
Part 4/4
Prerequisites: complete parts 2-3, complete the Abyss Replica Facility quest

Now that you've gotten the Sunlight Chamber from the Replicantis in the Replica
Facility, you should have all three items. Return to the Katz on the third
floor of Keterburg's hotel (two rooms down from the maid by the elevator) to
get Tear's Monster Collector costume title.


LIST OF CLEARED FILE QUESTS                                             [CLFQT]

The following is a list of sidequests that can be completed on a second or
further playthrough only:

 - Skit Viewer
 - Monster Collector
 - Abyss Man
 - Collector's Book
 - Abyss Replica Facility

WAITRESS MINI-GAME TUTORIAL                                             [WTRSG]

You can play the waitress mini-game on the second floor of the hotel in
Keterburg. It's fairly straightforward: customers come in and sit down. Their
orders appear for a second or two each, and then you have to give the orders to
the kitchen by pressing the corresponding buttons from the list that appears.
Then, go to each customer and press the button that corresponds to his or her
order to deliver it.

If you get it right, they'll say something along the lines of "Thank you!" or
"This looks delicious!" If you try to give them something you didn't get from
the kitchen, they'll say "You don't have that!" If you give them the wrong
order, they'll say something like "I didn't order this!" If you get either of
the last two responses, you won't be able to talk to them again and give them
the correct order, so you only get one chance per person (good thing this isn't
how real life works). An incorrect order will also dock your pay.

With each level, you'll get more customers and be able to earn more Gald.

Level 1: 3 customers, up to 400 Gald
Level 2: 4 customers, up to 800 Gald
Level 3: 5 customers, up to 1300 Gald
Level 4: 6 customers, up to 2200 Gald
Level 5: 8 customers, up to 4500 Gald

When you do the competition with the other waitress (listed above as part 13 of
the Master Chefs sidequest), you'll have an additional level to complete, which
has the same numbers as level 5.

The customers will always give their choices in the same order. Below is a
rough diagram of the restaurant (the large circles are tables and the little
squares are armchairs). The numbers represent the order in which the customers

             -  -                                   _
       1  /        \                               |_|
         |          |4                          _       _
         |          |                         3|_|     |_|8
          \        /                                _
             -  -                                  |_|

                    -  -                               _
              6  /        \  2                       7|_|
                |          |                       _       _
                |          |                      |_|     |_|
                 \        /                            _
                    -  -                              |_|5

The easiest way I've found is make a list of the orders on a piece of paper. I
abbreviate the orders with the first letter of each word -- fortunately, all of
them are unique. For example, if I'm on level 1 and the customers order Amango
Tea, Curry Rice, and Cream Stew, I write AT, CR, and CS. Then I input the
corresponding buttons at the kitchen and deliver the items in the order I wrote
them down. The person sitting in position 1 gets the Amango Tea, position 2
gets Curry Rice, and position 3 gets Cream Stew.

Obviously, this is just one way to do it, but I find it works pretty well.

CONTACT INFORMATION                                                     [CINFO]

I don't think I am the best person to contact for help with the game, but if
you have questions, comments, suggestions, or corrections for this guide,
you're welcome to email me at the following address:

luceodei [at] gmail [dot] com

VERSION HISTORY                                                         [VHIST]

Version 1.0 (August 8th, 2013)
 - First version. Includes all sidequests in chronological order to my

LEGAL INFORMATION                                                       [LINFO]

This guide is copyright 2013 Erin Koster/BundleB.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on
any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited
and a violation of copyright.

In short: this guide is copyrighted. Please don't steal it. If you'd like to
reference a small part of it or use some of the factual information it
contains, you are welcome to do so as long as you provide credit where credit
is due. GameFAQs is currently the only site with my permission to host the
entire guide.

And finally, I hope this guide has been helpful to you. Thanks for reading it.