The Catacombs
Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthrough and Guide
Batman: Arkham Asylum Guide - Walkthrough
The Catacombs
Ahead of us is a dead-end – well not really, there is a grate high up on the wall just like some other grates in the facility earlier that we could not reach... But now we have the Batclaw! So what are you waiting for? Claw it off the wall Batfellow! Zip up to the vent and crawl through but wait – there is a bad guy on the other side! Amazing!
Drop silently to the ground and ninja-takedown this guy, preferably while he is talking to the Joker on his phone so that we can hear Big J get quite annoyed. There is another group of badies further in that we will not be sneaking up on, oh no!
Before we continue, yes there is a Riddler Trophy across the gap to the right, and a weakened panel above – but we cannot do anything about these at the moment, so go ahead and continue on towards the group of thugs. After you take them out note the grate high up on the nearby wall with a Riddler Trophy behind it? Yeah go ahead and rip that sucker down and grab the trophy now.
To the right is a door – not the way we are supposed to go , but go ahead and try and open it now :) Nice mini-CS with Kroc Man, and boy is he angry! Good thing that door is locked.
There is an interview tape on the ground below where the grate fell for Killer Kroc – be sure you grab that now, and then head down the passage just a ways and note the Dancing Teeth for you to kill, with the weakened wall and a Trophy to the left of it. Kill the Teeth, blow the wall, grab the Trophy.
Continue down the hall and kill another set of Teeth then go through the door at the end, and as you reach the open area you get a nice CS that shows you your route – and another Trophy location. When you try to use the grapple to zip up you discover that the masonry is so old that it is not going to work – looks like you are climbing by hand this time!
There is a trophy on a platform directly ahead and to the left a little below you, and a point where you can climb ahead and to the right. Go to the right and climb, then run-jump straight ahead to the platform there, and glide to the far platform where the Trophy is. You get an apology from the Riddler for it being so easy, and a Bane Character Trophy as your reward. To get back to the start just fall off and hit RB to recover and you are standing on the path where you began.
Go to the right, climb, run-jump across and this time go to the right instead, and then cross the gaps to reach the next part of the path. Note the Joker Teeth here – and kill them. A quick run up the fallen column here and a gap jump gets you to a climb point and another gap jump. Before you take the next column note the Trophy ahead of you – a running jump will get you that and unlock the challenge Sewer Bat as well!
Now back on the path, and run up the second column – yes there are some Trophy locations here that we just cannot get to right now, so remember where they are and continue onwards!
Head into the passage here to your left and kill a few Teeth, then open a door and pick up the second patient interview tape for Killer Kroc on a crate on the left just inside this area. You are almost to the exit now – just continue on, use explosive gel on the wall and jump the gap here, and there is the exit door! See you in Arkham North!
you missed a trophy on the platform right before the first pillar. if you jump and grab the ledge on the pillar beside you, you can shimmy around to the side and there is a passage there with a trophy in it. also the one at the top of the 2nd fallen down pillar. jump on the ledge and shimmy around again then climb up to it. and if you jump off of the corner just right were that trophy is you can glide over to the one that you SO CALLED said cant get to right now. then you missed the one right under the passage out of the room that can be easily glided to. the one i'm having issues with is way up top. still trying to get to that one and the breakable wall i can see up top.