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The Sims 2 PC Cheats and Tips

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The Sims 2 on PC is an open-world life simulation where the objective is to create a cast of characters and control the their every day life. We have a collection of The Sims 2 cheats and tips that will help you to achieve your Sims goals.

The Sims 2 Cheats for PC

The Sims 2 cheats we have collected on PC will help your progression in the game as you navigate your Sims through the different stages of their lives.

Testing Cheats Mode

To enter cheats on The Sims 2 for PC you must first bring up the console window during gameplay by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C and type 'boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true' (without the quotes). Doing this will enable Testing Cheats mode and you will be able to input various different cheats. Go to our Sims 2 Cheats for PC page to get a complete list of all the available codes in the game.

The Sims 2 Gameplay
The Sims 2 Gameplay

The Sims 2 Tips for PC

We have plenty of handy tips for The Sims 2 on PC which will help your get to grips with the different areas and aid in your progression in the game. We also have some strange tips such as getting abducted by aliens which you may want to investigate.

How to get Abducted by Aliens

You can be abducted by aliens in The Sims 2 by using the Farstar e3 telescope. To find out more about this strange event go to our How to Get Abducted page to find out how to trigger it.

How to Make Sims Nude

If you find the blurred patch annoying whenever your Sim has no clothes on you can easily remove it. Have a look at our Show Sims Nude page to find out what the procedure is for removing the blurred patch in The Sims 2 for PC.

Quick Money

You can make money quickly by moving a rich Sim in with you. To find out exactly what this entails take a peek at our Quick Money tip.

Never Pay Bills

Use this cheeky tip to never have to pay bills again in The Sims 2 for PC. Simply go to Buy or Build mode and use the hand tool to pick up the mailbox and delete it.

Free Groceries

We have this simple tip that will enable you to get free groceries without having to part with any money. Have a look at our Free Groceries page to see how it is done.

How to Change Needs, Relationships, and Skills

Click on the following link if want to know How to Change Needs, Relationships, and Skills in your game of The Sims 2 for PC.

Walkthough Guides

Have a look at our Walkthrough Guides which cover lots of different areas of The Sims 2, we are sure you will find one there that will be useful.

Also have a look at our Questions and Answers page to see loads of questions answered by other players that includes how to make your baby grow faster and how to get married.

More The Sims 2 PC Cheats and Tips

We have 190 cheats and tips on PC. If you have any cheats or tips for The Sims 2 please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on : GameCube : PlayStation 2 : Xbox : Nintendo DS : Gameboy Advance : PSP

For more Codes for The Sims 2 go to:
The Sims 2 Action Replay Codes
The Sims 2 GameShark Codes

You can also ask your question on our The Sims 2 Questions & Answers page.

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How to have Maximum Skills

Do the following cheat if you want to fill your skills to the maximum level instantly. Enable the 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' code and then pause gameplay without going into 'Build' or 'Buy'. Select your 'Skills' icon and when you are in the tab with the skill meter click and drag the pointer over the desired skill bar to raise it.

The Sims 2 cheats

To access the 'Cheat' window press Ctrl + Shift + C then enter the following codes:

List cheats:

Help -all

Expands or contracts Cheat window:


Closes Cheat window:


Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect:


Increases game performance but lowers graphics:

Vsync (on/off)

Windowed mode:


Start with desired resolution (in pixels):

-r(width) x (height)

Fullscreen mode:


Disables sound:


Get 1000 Cash:


50,000 Simoleans:


Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest):slowmotion

Set Family Money

Whenever you crete a family they will automatically get 20,000 Simoleans. To get more than that create a family making sure that the last name does not have any spaces and then at the 'Neighborhood' screen press 'Ctrl' + 'Shift' + C and enter familyFunds as a code (example 'familyFunds Smith 100,000'). This cheat can also be used while in a lot providing you control that family.

How to Clone Sims

To do this enable the 'moveObjects on' code and then press 'Ctrl' + 'Alt' + F or 'Ctrl' + 'Alt' + C. Any Sim can be cloned except the Repo Man, you will not be able to control any of the clones.

How to get a Baby Quickly

To do this first enable the 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' code. Then shift-click a Sim and choose 'Spawn' to bring up some options. Click on the'Tombstone of L and D'. If your female Sim is single invite a male Sim over. When the guest arrives click on the 'Tombstone of L and D' and select 'More'. Choose 'Get pregnant with...' and choose the name of the Sim who you want to be the father. When you hear a lullaby click on the 'Tombstone of L and D' again. Select 'More'. Choose 'Speed up my pregnancy'. After a short period of time you will see your Sim's belly expanding until she gives birth.

How to have Twins

To do this enable the 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code' and get the desired Sim pregnant. Then hold the 'Shift' key and click on the pregnant Sim so that some options appear on screen. Click 'More' and then select the 'Debug: Force Twins' option and when your Sim gives birth you will be welcoming twins into your family.

How to get Free Groceries

Here's a way of getting groceries and not paying for them. This is done by ordering for groceries and when the man delivers the goods do not greet him. He will ring the bell two or three times and wait for you to open the door but when you do not answer he will leave the groceries at your door and not take your money.

Cheat Codes

Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect:


aging (off/on) - turns again off or on

deleteAllCharacters - Deletes all Sime in the neighbourhood

kaching - get 1000 cash

motherlode - get 50,000 simoleans

moveobjects (on/off) - moves and delete objects that you cannot normally

Just enter 'exit' to close the cheat console. You can also enter 'expand' or 'contract' to make the cheat console bigger or smaller. You can also enter 'help -all' to get a list of all cheats!

It's probably obvious, but for the stuff in brackets just write one or the other! So for example if you want to switch off the aging function, just bri..

Never Pay Bills

Whatever you do, never delete your mailbox because if you do the Repo Man will appear after three days. Instead direct your Sim to get the mail and then cancel it as soon as they get it. Now make the Sim place the bill on the ground and then using the 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' code delete it.

Making Babies

If you want to improve your chances of getting a baby have the couple try when they are in an excellent mood and listen for a noise afterwards (not the fireworks sound).

Have twins

eat spaghetti every night until shes pregnant

Filmaking Cheats

Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect:


The following cheats require you to have post processing on, so enter this code in the cheat console first:

boolProp enablePostProcessing true

(when you have finished, just enter: boolProp enablePostProcessing false)

bloom rgb (0.0 to 1.0) Create an effect using different clours. Instead of typing 'rgb', you need to enter three values, one representing r(red), one for g (green), and one for b(blue). These values can be any number from 0-255

filmGrain (0.0 to 1.0) Created a grainy effect on the screen

letterBox (0.0 to 0.4) Adds a letterbox effect to the view.

How to have your sims have max motives all the time

First open the cheat box by pressing ctrl+shift+c all at the same time then type in "motivedecay off" without the marks your sims motives will never go down.

Really cool cheat!!

Once your on the sims, press


Then a little whote box will appear at the top, type

Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

Then type in it: exit

Then when making a sim, if you press: Shift+n

You will debug the sims!!! You can have any skin colour, from white to green, dress in the grim reapers outfit, and many more!!!

When you are at your sims house, press Shift+n on them, and a whole list of things you can do will pop up!! Do the same on the letter box,(shift+n) and you can do even more stuff, like force a baby, seed up theyre life, kill them, by anyway you want! There are so many options. :D

If you have any questions, feel free to ask Smile

Hope this ..


When you are on a family and they are in there home on your keybord hold control then shift then c but hold it all at the same time. At the top of your screen you should see a box type in 'motherlode' then you should have more money. If not try again.

How to get abducted

Buy the $3.500 telescope. Get a sim (example. John) to stargaze. Type the cheat: BoolProp testingcheatsenabled true (this is the proper way to spell coz it works for me) while John is stargazing, shift click the telescope. It should come up with: DEBUG-Get Abducted. DO NOT CLICK: Force Error. Cross off the stargaze thing at the top. It will come up in a black screen (like the first kiss or engagment) A few hours later, John will come back and it will play that tune so you know the female sim is pregnant. But men come back and they will have an alien baby. Females do not. NOTE: This can be done on any estates. like Pleasantveiw, Veronaville, Strangetown and any of your estates.

Full Happiness and More Money

Type Ctrl Alt C then, Type in motherlode=more money or maxmotives=full happiness


Here are two hints about Sims woohooing! First make your sims woohoo then pause the game and go into buy mode. Do control shift c and type in the white box moveObjects on ,exactly as you see it. If a sims hand or foot is sticking out click on it and take it out, you can see what they do while they are woohooing. Works in a hottub too. Second. Go take a sim and their lover to a store with clothes and a changing booth. Make one sims try on clothes. Doesn't matter what kind of clothes our what outfit. Then whan that sim is in the changing both you can make the other sims click on the changing both and do Public woohoo. It adds a memory to your sim.

My Fav Cheats!

1. (In create-a-sim) Boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true then shift+N.


2. Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, then get a job. Hold [Shift] while you click on the newspaper, then click "Career Rewards" to get whatever you want, or click on "Set job level to..." Note: "10" is the top job. TOP OF THEIR CAREER

3.StretchSkeleton (# 1.0 larger) MAKES SIMS BIGGER OR SMALLER

4.motherlode 50000 simoleons

5.Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used:

Boolprop allObjectLightsOn [true or false]

Shift+Click on mailbox:

6. Make friends for me. HELPS SIMS MAKE FRIENDS

7. Trigger Birthday: AGE TRANSITION


8.Make me alien pregnant: self-exp..


Hit Ctrl which is located down at lower left of the keyboard and then hit c, a what they call it " cheat window box" will come up type in Motherlode then enter and it will give you 50,000 dollars Smile

Display and Performance Cheats

Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect:

Display and Performance

autopatch (on/off) - lets you know if theres a patch available

StretchSkeleton makes your sims larger or smaller

TerrainType (desert/temperate) - Switches between the two terrain types

vsync (on/off) - increases game performance but lowers graphics

Just enter 'exit' to close the cheat console. You can also enter 'expand' or 'contract' to make the cheat console bigger or smaller. You can also enter 'help -all' to get a list of all cheats!

It's probably obvious, but for the stuff in brackets just write one or the other! So for example if you want to switch ..

Become or Cure a Vampire

To make or cure a vampire, go to the neighborhood screen and type in "boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true". Then go to your household and shift-click a sim and choose "Make Vampire"/"Cure Vampire". I suggest using the "Raise/Lower Health and Skills" cheat for your vampire as they are hard to satisfy.

Becoming a Mermaid

Get your your Sim to become a scientist. Get them to make a potion, put their own DNA in it, some fish DNA, and drink it. Voila! You've got a mermaid!

How to make NPC looking sims!

In the neighborhood type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" without the marks. Then go to create a family. When you get on the Sims press shift+n if that does not work try n+shift. VOILA! Now go back and fourth 3 times to numbers 1 and 2. Now press one. There should be new skin colors under the custom button. You can also have new hairstyles and clothes! (SUPER SECRET CHEAT ONLY A FEW PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT!!!)

To Raise and Lower Health and Skill Bars

To raise and lower the bars on your health and skills, go to the neighborhood screen and type in "boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true". Then go to your household and hold shift and drag the bars up and down. Useful to keep toddlers ( not newborns ) asleep and keeps your sims awake for days.

Make all there life go up

Ok are you tiered of all sims complaning about how they are tiered or hungry or any of that, well its all stopping now!!! You push ... ctrl shift c then a box comes up then type in max motives (no spaces) then push enter and there whole life goes up except for enviorment cause thats depends on how good you house looks.

Turn aging on or off

You can turn aging on or off using a simple code.

To turn aging off:

-Press and hold down the Ctrl + Shift + C keys on your keyboard, then relese the keys. This will bring up a line (cheat code line) at the top of the screen where you can enter the following text: aging -off.

--Hit the Enter key.

Your Sims will no loger age. They still have an aging bar that tells you how many SimDays must pass before they age.

To turn aging on:

- Do the same steps that I refer before but replace the word "off" by the word "on".

Your Sims will now age normally.

Get Promoted The Easiest Way

First get the cheat bar up and type: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. (without the full stop). Then press shift and click on the newspaper, you can choose a job for your sim, career rewards and promote yourself. Easy!

Free Groceries

This is another cheeky tip that will enable you to get groceries for free. To perform it you must order groceries and wait for the man to deliver the goods. Do not greet him when he arrives, he will proceeed to ring the bell two or three times and wait for you. When you do not answer the door he will place the goods there on the floor and depart not taking your money.

Quick Money

One way in which you can get money quick is if you get a friendship with a rich Sim girl (also works with a boy) and ask her to move in. When she does she will bring at least 20,000 Simoleons which will be added to your bank account. Once the money has been deposited you can make her move out and still keep the money.

Have Twins

forcetwins when the woman goes into labor

No School

Type in boolProp testing CheatsEnabled true in cheat window

Shift click on a sim and click Spawn and find senario check

Click on the bright yellow box that apears and chose add to private school

VOLIA no school. It might no work the first time so just switch panels then go back:-)

50,000 simoleons!!!

Press cnrl, shift, and c at the same time. It will bring the cheat bar up on screen. Type in... Motherlode ... Just like that. No spaces, or periods. AND!!! BOOM!!! 50,000 SIMOLEONS!!!


In the cheat menu put in "maxmotives" all your characters are feeling very good!

Do you want money?

When i was playing on sims 2 i always got annoyed if i did'nt have enough money to buy new stuff. I'd always have to get my sims to go to work and it was really annoying. But then i found a really good cheat to get $50,000 in one word. Just Get the cheat bar up (ctrl, alt, c) and type in motherlode. Another ay is just type in kaching but u get less money -1,000. Sorry for any mis-spellings i hope you find this information usefull!

How to make your teen sims live alone

Their are two ways that I have learned.

1.use a adult and click on a newspaper or a computer

Then select "find own place" then select every sim that you want to move out except the teen you want to live alone.

2.(it sounds cruel but it a option)kill all adults.

Ailen children

An easy way it get an alien baby

1. Bring up the cheat dox ( CTRL SHIFT. C )

2 type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

3. HOLD SHIFT and CLICK your ault

4. Click more then spawn and then click tombstone of L and D ( and small tombstone will apeer )

5. Click on it then click more and then click make me alien pregnant

6. Then click on the tomdstone again

7. Click more then click speed up pregnacy and in and few your alien is born.

Money cheat

press ctrl shift and c at the same time the cheat box will show up type in motherlode and then you will get $50,000

Awesome Cheat!

Press control shift c and type in Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true ,Exactly as you see it. Then if you are in Create a sim mode press shift n and a box will come up saying you can use the maxis crap. You can be grim, hula grim, invisible body, skeleton, all of the work outfits an the social bunny. There is also a lot more. If you are in sim mode press shift and click on any sim you have. More options will come up than usual. You can do that to almost anything! If you have a tombstone you can make an option to walk like a ghost! That truly is the best cheat ever.

Full health

To give your sims full health you have to enter the cheat Move_objects on. Then you go into bye mode and click on the sim you want to give full health. You then delete your sim and exit the lot when you go back in to the lot your sim will be there with full heath. If you want to play the game without that sim for a while cos yoyu want a partener to have an affair with someone from the house and don't want to wait for the other sim to go to work then you jut don't leave the lot and that sim wont be there untill you leave and come in again. You can leave the game alltogether and come back and the sim will be there.

Save the game before you delete them or you will lose all pionts they get between then and the last time you save.

Have fun and I hope this cheat helps

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