1) Spring Man might be easy to play as, but he should never be used. He has some of the easiest mechanics for players to get the hang of, but his underwhelming skills and lackluster Abilities make him borderline useless compared to all the other options a player has.
2) Ribbon Girl has an answer for everyone. Not only is she one of the easier Fighters to get the hang of using, but she's also considered one of the best fighters in the game. Watch out for her!
3) Use Rush Attacks wisely. Odds are a player will earn roughly one Special Attack per round of a match, which makes them extremely hard to come by. A player must use them very wisely, picking the absolute best moment to use them. (This is usually right as an opponent is throwing a standard punch.)
4) Live to fight another day when facing Secret Boss Hedlok. Dodging and blocking are your best way to go when facing Hedlok, landing a punch here and a punch there every given match. It's better to defeat it by having more health as time expires than not defeating it at all.
5) Always use the Slapamander Arm. It smacks around foes a mile away, unloading a great amount of damage too! It's the best Arm in the game, and all players should be using it the moment they have it accessible to them.
6) Power Fighters are great, but they're too slow to rely upon. Master Mummy and Mechanica can deal some serious damage with each punch they land, but in return for this extra power, they lack the speed necessary to be viable options on the battlefield. They can still be played with and mastered, but always consider this when choosing them.
7) Items can be the key to victory. They are random, and you never know what you're going to get. But one item can easily flip the outcome of every single match, whether for better or for worse where every player is concerned. So watch out!
8) Use in-stage extras to your advantage. A random trampoline or elevated higher ground could be all it takes to get the upper hand on an opponent. By knowing each stage you're fighting in, you just might get the best of your foe!
9) Training Sessions are a must. Arms is not "just another fighting game." It will take time to get use to the all the mechanics, especially with the Switch and all the possible controllers. The Training Sessions should be always be done when first starting the game, no matter how much you think they are a bother in completing.
10) Sparkers and Blinders are great Secondary Arms. When paired with the Slapamander, these other options become lethal when even placed on the worst of Fighters. They each knock your opponent off of their game, making them easily susceptible to grabs and your trusty Slapamander.