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Upgrades - Gadget Tech

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Enhance the most technologicallyu advanced arsenal in existence with upgrades to further improve gadget performance and function.

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Move Cost Pre-Requisite Description
Smoke Pellet - Duration 2 N/A Increases the duration of smoke, keeping enemies disoriented longer, and granting more time for you to escape or dispatch foes unseen.
Smoke Pellet - Area of Effect 2 Smoke Pellet - Duration Increase the size of the cloud generated by a Smoke Pellet, providing more cover and enveloping more enemies at once.
Explosive Gel - Instant Takedown 1 N/A Instantly incapacitates the nearest enemy when the Explosive Gel is detonated. Other nearby enemies will be stunned. This only takes effect on applied explosive gels. (Not quickfired)
Explosive Gel - Stun Duration 2 Explosive Gel - Instant Takedown Increases the amount of time an enemy is stunned by the gel's detonation. This only takes effect on applied explosive gels. (Not quickfired)
Explosive Gel - Increased Range 2 Explosive Gel - Instant Takedown Increase the range of the gel's detonation. This only takes effect on applied explosive gels. (Not quickfired)
Disruptor - Sabotage Boa Drone Controller 2 N/A Sabotage the Boa Drone controller to create an explosive feedback loop. When the operator's drone attempts to attack you, the control device will shock and incapacitate the operator instead while destroying the drone at the same time.
RHD - Drone Hack Mk2 1 Disruptor - Sabotage Boa Drone Controller Increase the duration of the Remote Hacking Device's jamming effect, leaving drones blind to your presence for twice as long.
Disruptor - Sabotage Drone 8 Disruptor - Sabotage Boa Drone Controller Sabotage a drone's weapon systems, causing it to self-destruct when it attempts to fire.
Disruptor Sabotage Medic 4 N/A Sabotage the Medic's defibrillator which will incapacitate him if he tries to resuscitate an ally.
Disruptor - Increase Sabotage Ammo 8 Disruptor Sabotage Medic Allows the Disruptor to carry an additional charge.
Disruptor - Sabotage Stun Sticks 4 Disruptor Sabotage Medic Sabotage an enemy's stun stick to incapacitate the user when they attempt to attack.
Disruptor - Sabotage Mine 3 Disruptor Sabotage Medic Sabotage mines and incapacitate nearby enemies. Mines placed upon Vantage Points can also be targeted and disabled.
Disruptor Sabotage Detective Mode Scanner 3 N/A Sabotage the Detetive Mode Scanner to target its user. When the scanner has locked onto your signal while on detective mode, it will shock and incapacitate the user instead of revealing your location.
Disruptor - Sabotage Sentry Gun Dispenser 2 Disruptor Sabotage Detective Mode Scanner Sabotage a Sentry Gun Dispenser to explode, incapacitating the enemies attempting to use it.
Disruptor - Optic Deflection Armor 3 Disruptor - Sabotage Sentry Gun Dispenser Disrupt an enemy's Optic Deflection Armor to render them visible again in Detective Mode.
Disruptor - Sabotage Detective Mode Jammer 3 Disruptor Sabotage Detective Mode Scanner Sabotage the Detective Mode Jammer to instantly disable it and cause it to emit a high-frequency signal, defeaning any nearby militia.
Freeze Blast - Proximity Mine 2 N/A This will detonate automatically when an enemy draws near, encasing them in ice.
Freeze Cluster 4 Freeze Blast - Proximity Mine This produces an ice blast that can lock multiple enemies in place simultaneously. However, this will only trap the lower half of their bodies, which will still allow them to use their weapons.
Freeze Blast - Freeze Duration 4 Freeze Blast - Proximity Mine Hold enemies encased in ice for a longer duration.
Freeze Cluster - Proximity Mine 4 Freeze Cluster When detonated, it lock any nearby enemy in place. However, this will only trap the lower half of their bodies, which will still allow them to use their weapons.
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