Victory Points are awarded for every base you successfully attack, while you will lose one when your base is defeated. They are not used for much other than bragging rights. Be sure to share your Victory Points number with your friends to see who comes out on top!
what should i choose in vp reward???
You don't lose medals when you lose a battle! That is the problem.
OMG! The only thing I learned from all of this is that almost everyone who comes here and comments is a total idiot.. no wonder I am winning so many battles ... Last time anyone will remind you.. Don't Sniff the Glue!
Resource base attack and island lost. And, Doctor Terror.
People on your map should be based on hq not points.
I agree
Victory Points, as well as force points naturally decrease by 5% every day to theoretically keep players able to be active without being forced to lose attacks and be matched against overpowered opponents, although it doesnt work too well if you attack more than 2-3 times a day
my game is not pausing when i am receiving a incomng call i am loosing troops and resources is there any solution. this has happened many times.
You must be playing on an iphone... I had a problem with every game I played. The Android lets you do multiple things at once. Verizon is also important in that equation. AT&T doesn't seem to work well no matter what you have.
Put the HQ on the beach for a day or 2 to get better suited players. simple. Don't care why that shouldn't happen but it does so get over it and stop winging like pansies.
OK, let me set this straight. The reason why the VPs are deducting is because the Blackguard takes over villages. You lose VPs when you either lose a defence, the Blackguard takes over free villages that produce gold for you (either player or AI bases) or if someone else takes one of your resource bases. So that's pretty much it, and if I helped you and you are thanking me, you're welcome! So Clash... I mean Boom on and have fun! By the way, the highest VP player count right now is 1496. BOOM
How to get more victory points? Can not do more than 715
You guys are getting very confused with something? VPs are the medals in top left corner and yes they do go up with each victory and down with each time your base is destroyed. Game is solid. Read up on Boom Beach sites.
When u lose an island you lose victory points
This game is poorly programmed. I have been losing victory points WITHOUT BEING DEFEATED. In total I have lost over 12 pts in two days and been defeated once.
You also lose VP when Blackguard invades on your villages, when you lose resource bases, and when your base is destroyed.
VP are alo used to calculate daily VP rewards, more VP, better reward options
My 1000 attack points.
Because of enemy invasion on your map as NPC bases
It don't make sense about vp is it a- resource bases b- other players bases or c- computer bases that u get the points from attacking ??????
The A.I take over islands randomly so you still have something to attack
I just won 4 3 attacks in a row vs other players and i am not getting vps! Wtf shitty cell?
.... I have 180 victory points. 17 takeovers later, I have 180 victory points. I have not had a defeat of my base and very few items have been taken over on my map. The point is, they are not increasing whatsoever.
I have taken over 17 islands and gained 17 victory points but they are not showing up in my trophy area. In other words, I'm trying to obtain the 300 diamond reboard, but the victory point amount is not increasing no matter how many battles I win.
You lose a vicory point when an island is taken over.
My hq is max well everything is max even my dimondes I am giving them out for free
I wish I could lose vp without use loosing recources
U guys are so dumb
Plz change the attcking system I am matched up with hq 13s and I am only hq 9 I have to many victory points and the only way to go down is to put my hq on the outside
You don't lose victory points when you fail an attack, only on defense. It seems very difficult not accumulate victory points to fast. I am always matched against players with a HQ 5-10 levels above mine. Makes defense impossible and offense very difficult
Victory points are used for matchmaking. Too many victory points can match you with people of way higher level than you.
Was thinking about making my headquarters vulnerable for a while to loose points.
If u loose a battle the points are deducted from u