Vision of Beasts
Head up to Tensay's cave to the north east of your camp, near a brown bear icon. Enter the cave to find Tensay just doing his thing. He tells you that he was calling for a strong spirit and Takkar showed up and now believes Takkar is chosen. He then adds his another ingredient to his mixture. He guts a rat and pours its blood into it then later adds your blood. He then makes you drink this wonderful brew.
Drinking the concoction induces a trippy vision. A vision of beasts to be exact.
This section is really easy since you are simply tasked to follow the Guide which is the owl. The controls are default flight controls so remember that when moving around. You don't get penalized anyway if you "die" in this vision. Just a minor setback.
The visuals in this part of the game are rather nice. Don't forget to enjoy while taking this short stroll. Upon reaching the end, you will get to tame the owl and it will accept you as Beast Master.