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Weapons Guide

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Bastion Weapons Guide
Bastion Weapons Guide

In Bastion the various weapons that are available are discovered during plot levels. They can be swapped at the Arsenal, which also stores unequipped weapons. Upgrades can be purchased from the Forge using the materials that you scavenged during exploration, earned in Proving Grounds (challenges), or purchased from the Lost-and-Found. Check out our Weapons Guide to find out what the weapons are, where you can find them, and what their Secret Skills are.

Cael Hammer

The Cael Hammer is the first melee weapon, you will be able to find it early in the game in The Rippling Wall level. It is well balanced and good for just about any situation. Deals more damage while the user is stationary. The Cael Hammer can be uppgraded with Something Heavy and its Secret Skills are Whirl wind and Stunning Wallop.

Fang Repeater

The Fang Repeater is found in the beginning of the game in The Rippling Wall level. It is a rapid-fire weapon with limited ammo capacity. Its Secret Skills are Bolt Burst and Snooze Dart.

Breaker's Bow

Breaker's Bow is a versatile ranged weapon that you get from the Breaker Barracks challenge in the Proving Grounds that is used by the Caelodian Breakers from the Old World. The attack power of the Breaker's Bow increases as the bowstring is drawn. It's Secret Skills are Dancing Shot and Breaker Volley.

War Machete

War Machete is s fast attack melee weapon which has a throwing attack that compensates for its short melee range. You get this weapon from the Windbag Ranch challenge in the Proving Grounds. It's Secret Skills are Ghost Blade and Graver Slash.

Scrap Musket

Scrap Musket is a shotgun-like weapon that has lots of spread which you can get from the Zulwood Grove challenge in the Proving Grounds. It is a commonly used weapon of Caelondian Marshals from the Old World. Its Secret Skills are Scrap Salvo and Final Warning.

Dueling Pistols

The Dueling Pistols can be found in The Rippling Walls level. They are dual handguns that can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. They are used by Slingers who like to customise their own pistols. It's Secret Skills are Duel Decider and Slinger Storm.

Brusher's Pike

Brusher's Pike is a melee spear weapon that can be used for mantaining a measure of range during combat. It can also be thrown like a javelin and is especially useful against Anklegators. You get Brusher's Pike from the Camp Duancy challenge in the Proving Grounds. It's Secret Skills are Brusher Sweep and Pike Vault.

Army Carbine

Army Carbine is a high-damage ranged weapon with heavy recoil that you get from the Trigger Hill challenge in the Proving Grounds. The accuracy of this weapon increases the longer the attack button is held down. A Power Shot can be performed if the attack button is released half-way to full accuracy; this shot is more powerful and almost as accurate as a full-length shot. The Army Carbine is the standard-issue bolt-action rifle of the Caelandian Triggers of the Old World. Its Secret Skills are Breaching Bullet and Trigger Blitz.

Flame Bellows

Flame Bellows is a flame assault weapon that spews a continuous stream of fire, causing damage over time. You get it from the Grady Incinerator challenge in the Proving Grounds. It's Secrets Skills are Burning Carousel and Ring Of Fire.

Galleon Mortar

Galleon Mortar is a bombardment weapon that you get from the Boundless Bay challenge in the Proving Grounds. It's Secret Skills are Turret Surprise and Bomb Barrage.

Calamity Cannon

Calamity Cannon is an experimental ranged weapon that you get from the Mancer Observatory challenge in the Proving Grounds. It's Secret Skills are Mancer Missile and Calamity Rockets.

Battering Ram

Battering Ram is the only two-handed weapon in the game. This weapon can only be found in the final level (The Tazal Terminals). It cannot be equipped in the Arsenal, nor can it be upgraded in the Forge; it will not carry into a New Game+.

Check out our Levels Guide to find out what items you can expect to get in each of the levels in Bastion.

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