1:3 Wheels of Steel
Dead Island Walkthrough and Guide
by vhayste
Wheels of Steel
Born to Be Wild
Recover the Truck from the Hotel's Parking Garage
Very Hard
2100 XP, Diamonds
Talk to Sinamoi again after completing “Seek and Loot”. Head to the hotel parking lot as marked in the map. Once there, you need to take out two thugs. You can do it the easy way by lobbing a molotov cocktail at them. Once they're taken care of, look for the keycard which should be lying nearby. Use the keycard on the door nearby and travel to the next area.
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While inside, you can smash the glass panes to check the rooms. Always search the cash registers as they yield a good amount of cash. There's an ID card on the sofa near the entrance (ID030). Head further inside until you reach the pantry. There should be another collectable on the table. (Banoi Herald Excerpt #16)
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Continue forth until you reach the bar. There's a lot of alcohol on the shelf so go crazy and loot them all. Continue following the corridors until you meet Mike Davies. He'll then ask you to find his partner named Ken.
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Hop on the elevator then enter the hatch. Exit it and move along to the kitchen. Clear the first kitchen then you'll have to continue to the objective marker. You have two ways here; bypass the mob of zombies in the next kitchen or kill them all for a large amount of experience and loot. Move along and grab another collectable along the way.
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Continue along the straightforward path until you reach the steam-filled corridor. There are a couple of infected that will ambush you so be prepared. Continue forth until you reach the room with a workbench. Repair your weapons or modify them. There will be a lot of zombies in the next room and some of them are infected so don't go out completely to avoid getting surrounded.
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Go past the swimming pool then to the shower area. Kill the zombies along the way and don't forget to pickup the ID card on the shelf, in front of the large doors.
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Fight your way to the second floor and to the objective point. Bash the door open and find Ken inside the supply room. He'll ask you to fetch the morphine in the medical room. Head there and clear the rooms. Aside from the morphine, there's another Banoi Herald Excerpt in the nearby table so don't forget to grab it as well.
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Return to Ken and give him the morphine. This time, you'll be asked to head to the security room. Exit to the same door again and carefully clear the corridor. In the small office room, there's another Banoi Herald waiting to be picked up. Grab it on the table.
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Continue forth until you reach the small cafe. There's a recording on one of the tables there.
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Continue to the next hallway until you reach the corridor leading to the security room. Defeat all zombies their then go inside. Talk to Mike to continue.
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Exit and make sure that your weapons are fully repaired before heading to the server room. Grab the collectable ID card beside the firewall terminal then activate it.
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Clear the zombies in the second room, including a thug. After defeating them, grab the Molotov blueprint then operate the terminal.
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Finally, clear the last server room then activate the two terminals there. Reprot to Mike to update the quest. Exit the security room then follow the path leading to the parking lot. Clear the path then enter the armored truck.
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You'll need to drive the armored truck back to the lifeguard tower. After parking the truck, talk to Sinomai to complete the quest.
Truck Mowdown
Black Hawk Down
Investigate the helicopter wreckage ad bring Sinamoi any supplies you find.
2400 XP, Shock Mod
After delivering the armor truck in the previous mission, talk to him to get this quest. Head to the crash site and watch the scene. Here's you'll be introduced to a new enemy type. You don't need to kill it yourself; you can approach it then back away to let it detonate alone.
Continue to the burning wreckage and you'll find Nikolai there. Talk to him and he'll advise to move to the bunker by the beach. You need to escort him there.
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Kill the zombies along the way until you reach the bunker. Once there, head inside and talk to him to update the quest. You need to report to Simonai next. You can also talk to Nikolai again to open up a new sidequest. You can also check out the manhole nearby since it takes you to the other bunker in the northern beach. You can take note of this feature for your convenience later on.
Once ready, you can just fast travel from the bunker back to the Lifeguard Tower. Talk to Sinamoi to complete the quest.
Misery Wagon
Go to mechanic to reinforce the truck
2700 XP
Talk to Sinamoi again to receive this quest. Hop on the armored truck then drive to the location marked in your map. Once you've reached the destination, clear all zombies in the area. You can use the truck to crush the walkers in front of the garage but you still need to leave the vehicle and defeat a wave of infected.
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Once done, head inside the garage to complete the quest.
Only the Strong Survive
Protect the workshop while the mechanic works
3400 XP
This quest is activated automatically as soon as you enter the garage. Talk to the mechanic to update the objectives. Make sure that you have healed up using the healing items inside before heading out. The infected will come running in the front gate so you have to stand your ground and repel waves of them. There are healing items inside the open toolbox under the junk pile left of the gate. After defeating all infected, talk to the mechanic again to complete the quest.
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On the Road
Travel outside the resort to find food, medicine and weapons
Take Jin and drive to the city tunnel
Very Easy
Talk to Jin to start this quest. Hop in the armored truck then drive to the tunnel southwest of the resort.
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