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Where do you catch Grimer ?

Question asked by zaknafein on
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Question for Pokemon Emerald

Where do you catch Grimer ?

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Cross Stinger answered:

Fiery Path.

ak-47s rock answered:

In the Fiery Path.

Apphonx answered:

To catch a Grimer go to the Firey Path. I might take a while to run in one but you will find one.

pokemaster796 answered:

You catch grimer in the fiery path I caught mine where you use strength.but sadly it's rare to fing so it took me about 15 mins.its worth it hope I helped

Guest answered:

hey you can catch a grimer in fiery path, by laveridge town. Thats where i caught mine even though it takes a long time to find one

Guest answered:

It does take a while to find a grimer because mostly u find machop,numel and torkoal (is that how u spell it?:D),in fiery path near lavaridge town. If u search 4 a while u might find some koffings. I.... THINK, grimers are less common than koffings and i think that if u look in the emerald guide it will say that grimers are either rare or not common. I am still looking for 1 but i know it wont take TOO long to find it....maybe 5-10 mins (if your unlucky)!!! but it still provides them :D bye!

scarumud12 answered:

what lvl is the grimer

Guest answered:

Your liars i took all day trying to find one and could not find. one[url][/url]

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Guest said: 8th Oct 2015 | REPORT
It is there. I caught one today. I haven't been playing long
Guest answered:

actually you can find one said so in serrebii the sad part is i found one,try to weaken it an it died :(

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Guest said: 8th Oct 2015 | REPORT
Using a nest ball works best
Guest said: 29th Oct 2016 | REPORT
so im tired because im finding for eon thicket were the way for eonthicket
Guest answered:

Well, try trading over from FR/LG!

Guest answered: took a while to find one..but its worth it!! I HAVE A MUK NOW! Grimer randomly appears...there is pretty much no cheat for it.

Guest answered:

Theres a 1% chance of getting grimer.

Guest answered:

You can find grimer in fiery path, but it is rare, with a 2% chance of appearing. That's why it may seem like there is no grimers in fiery path.

Guest answered:

I love grimer you can find it in the fiery path, it took me 30 mins to find one. Really rare in emerald but it's totally worth it . That blob of sludge evolves to a bigger wave of sludge, muk that's the best. Love it.

Guest answered:

Wow I founfd it when I first entered the firey path I guess I'm really lucky

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Guest said: 8th Oct 2015 | REPORT
I was going back and forth through the path not looking for it at all really
Guest answered:

Yeaaaaaah !!! I found a grimer while EV training it takes a while but hes there

Guest answered:

I am searching for a grimer for 30 minutes with no luck... But I found a shiny machop instead!!!!!!!!


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