Set a year after the events of Batman: Arkham City. With the death of the Joker, the crime rates in Gotham City has significantly declined. However, this also allowed Batman's other enemies to unite against him. Main villains like the Scarecrow, Penguin, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, Riddler, Firefly, and Poison Ivy will join forces with the ultimate goal to kill Batman. Furthermore, he gets a new arch-nemesis, the titular Arkham Knight. Take control of the Batmobile, and traverse the larger, open-air location of Gotham City.
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Thank you or being here and friendly. I enjoy this page
you have do the the joker takedown a couple of times
How do I shut down second vent
How do I defeat all of the jokers in the alley
you dont. eventually you end up breaking his neck
How do I deadest all of the jokers in the alley